over 13 years ago
My second experience was far more difficult

My second experience was far more difficult and terrifying. I became aware of an incredibly powerful presence... I became afraid, just by the sheer intensity & force of it's presence. It showed itself in the form of a red snake swallowing itself, or the classic Ouroboros. It communicated ideas like "DEVOUR...CONSUME...ETERNITY... I SUSTAIN THE UNIVERSE... DUALITY IS ILLUSION"... this was all done telepathically.. so my own subjective human bias could have distorted the message a bit. I sensed that this entity looked at human beings in the same way that most humans look at cattle. As if it felt pity, disgusted, or amused at our extreme ignorance. It was extremely impersonal and cold, but also very aware and powerful. This presence then entered into my body, and honestly I was pretty confused and freaked out at this point.. but it assured me that everything had already been agreed to on a soul level, prior to incarnating.. some sort of contract. The presence settled into my lower chakras and I fell asleep.

Ever since that night I have had very strange, chronic physical pains in different parts of my body, always on my left side... I suspect this presence is tied into my kundalini energy somehow.. it is quite intense, causing me all kinds of strange and sometimes painful symptoms.

Years after this experience, I learned that apparently, in Mayan Astrology..

***Red Serpent invites the purifying spark of the sacred fire, the kundalini, to align and integrate your body, mind and spirit. Red Serpent is also known by the Maya as the kultanlilni, or kundalini, the energy that moves up from the base of the spine and out through the crown chakra. There are two aspects of this force, the ida and the pingala, representing its male and female polarities. One of the ancient secrets of Red Serpent is the activation of higher states of consciousness through balancing these two polarities so that they dance within us as one. Another metaphor for this serpent energy comes from the Mayan words luk umen tun ben can, or "those absorbed by the serpent of the sacred knowledge."***

I also discovered that in Vedic Astrology, I have what's known as ***KALA SARPA YOGA***, which literally translates to "EARTH TIME SERPENT"... so apparently this connection has been in the cards for quite some time now!


***"Kala" means "earth-time" and "sarpa" means "serpent". One translation of Kala-Sarpa-Yoga is that the serpent-force has enclosed your entire incarnation.

The serpent-force is Naga energy, which is essentially Earth energy, the psychic power of chthonic deities. Naga's are huge, ancient serpent-like deities who continue to control the psychic shield around our planet Earth.

Naga's are subtle-particle overseeing entities, of a much higher vibration than human beings, and definitely not to be confused with the common reptile! Ancient Indo-Tibetan tradition and some modern esoteric traditions are sensitive enough to the presence of Naga energy to describe Naga effects in detail. In practical terms, Earth energy is the vibration of the ancient history of Earth. It moves in sound and image. It is not logical. It can be controlled, but only with psychic skill.

KSY folks are exceptionally psychically sensitive, and their sensitivity can force them to defend themselves through anti-social means. They often form dramatic healing partnerships with other psychic 'sensitives'.

Certainly if neither party is aware of their channeling gifts, these partnerships can be ego-destructive.

However, the converse is also beautifully true. If aware of their powers, KSY people can be genius healers, trance mediums, and clairvoyant image readers.

Finally, the KSY situation can become truly transformative and saintly when the KSY native understands their karmic inheritance and CONSCIOUSLY decides to dedicate their life to the welfare of their family, tribe, nation, or humanity.

The conscious KSY person can be a performer of miracles - a transformative guide in any field of endeavor. By contrast to the suffering, toxic, unconscious default KSY, the conscious KSY can have tremendous vital charisma and deepest possible satisfaction in their own lives. The conscious KSY knows that their life is INDEED being sacrificed for a higher cause, and they are in agreement with that calling. This is a very high level of awareness and definitely unusual.

At this level of conscious sacrificial ego transformation, the KSY native is fully identified with divine. This "high" KSY runs such pure Kundalini energy that they are able to create the living link between human and divine.***

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