over 13 years ago
Devoted Lover

This is not exactly a dream, but more of a vision I actually received while staying over a friend's place, sometime in the morning while in a hypnopompic state, though I was more awake than asleep. I decided to write it down as it felt like it needed to be expressed as a story in some form due to it's emotional depth and detail ~

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There was a couple, a pair of lovers whom were very devoted to one another. Their days were filled with love and serenity, until one day, the father of one of the lovers died. Having a very strong bond with her father, she gradually fell into complete despondence, lost to the world in her own bell glass of melancholy, lethargy and dejection. Throughout this slip into despair, her lover tried his very best to ease her heart and remind her of the joys of life, the better memories she had with her father and he, her lover, and how he will forever be there for her, to comfort her and enrich her heart and soul until her dying days. However, all of his words and gestures fell on deaf ears, as she receded into a form of waking sleep.

At first things were normal, as normal as a case of deep depression could be. But as time went on, the male lover began to notice something strange; a shadow would appear around his lover's body, and a thin veil of darkness would envelop her surroundings as well. Eventually it would grow more intense, and he would be come aware of a sensation of heavy pressure emanating from it, giving him a sort of headache. Despite all of these odds however, or rather, because of them, the boyfriend's passion for his lover grew more and more as the situation worsened, his resolve to save her flaring up. One night, as they slept together in bed, the headache manifestation began to worsen to almost to the point of being a migraine, when, in a crescendo of pain, the boyfriend reaches an emotional peak and proclaims to himself, internally, "THAT'S IT! I MUST find a way to end this for both our sakes!". Upon this declaration and the flare of his passion, his perception began to shift as he focused on his lover, changing, until he finds himself to be in a different place.

Directly before him he sees his girlfriend, his lover, standing in a whirlwind of gray darkened smoke and mist with silhouettes of beings appearing ephemerally, weaving between the plumes of smoke and mist. She stumbles as she clutches her head in agony, lost in the chaos. After overcoming the initial wave of astonishment from seeing his lover in this condition, he then notices that they're both in a strange place; a craggy valley of sorts, made up of dark cobalt, navy blue lustrous stone, the entirety of the landscape enshrouded in mist. Regaining his sense of purpose after being momentarily lost in awe, he returns his attention to his distressed girlfriend and ascertains that these beings are what's responsible for her utter despair and detachment from the world. Determined, he steps forth, pushes her out of the onslaught of these ethereal offenders, and takes her place. Immediately, out of the storm, her eyes open up and her face reflects awareness. She gazes at her lover as he now succumbs to the onslaught of spirits.

"Finally, you are free!", he thinks, but his happiness is cut short as he realizes the toll of his actions; the storm ceased as all the smoke and forms bled into his body and began to petrify him, changing his body into that of craggy landscape in which the couple found themselves. Astonished and horrified, she tries to reach out to her lover as he becomes entirely petrified as a tourmaline like sculpture of his former self, but an effulgence of light shines from her chest and she finds herself lost in white; then, suddenly, she is in bed. She rises, sits upright with speed and energy not seen for months, and turns to her left, attempting to rouse her lover in desperation...but to no avail.

Two weeks pass and he has still not woken from his coma.

"If I only hadn't succumbed to despair, this wouldn't have happened", she thought, looking at her lover, sitting at the side of his hospital bed. Her heart beginning to sink, she feels a presence, interrupting her emotional descent. Light appears, and in the light, a vision of her deceased father. He moves towards her, arms open, and embraces his beloved, now crying, daughter. He whispers into her ear, "Don't give up hope. That's what he needs the most...your love."

"Yes daddy, I understand...", she replies, burying her face in his chest, feeling more emotions than she's ever felt in her life, but with a powerful, uplifting, unwavering overtone. The light grows stronger, and the image of her father fades away, enveloped by white. As the light recedes she finds herself in the hospital room yet again. She approaches her lover's bed with new strength and resolve in her heart, and takes his hand in hers. She tenderly says to him, "I'm with you, no matter what..."

A sudden flash and she's back in the craggy misty valley where she was once held prisoner. Before her she sees her lover, petrified, trembling; with a burst light pours through forming cracks and explode fragments of stone in every direction. The burst overwhelms her vision and as the light dies down she's back in the hospital room once more, to find her hand being squeezed back, and her lover's eyes gazing into hers, a smile on his face. They embrace and live on together, never looking back into the dark past or hazy future, spending every day living in the present moment, together, in the joy of eachother's timeless gaze.

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