almost 13 years ago
Water, Flying, Cross

My dream began with a scenario which escapes my mind currently, though I remember it involving some people I know in life and a fairly real, sobering, situation. The part I do remember is what follows...

I was in a distorted version of where I'm currently living, a town on a peninsula. I was down towards the southern tip where things get more explicitly "old school" suburban. I see a friend who actually lives down in that part of the real town, ride by on a bike. We exchange some words and he goes off for something apparently school related. There is some sort of school in the area and some people I know seem to be coming to and from the institution. The area of focus seems to be primarily flat, almost on level with the water. There aren't many buildings, and those that are residential are short small houses. Looking down towards the southern tip of the peninsula, one sees the water clearly to the left, with a sort of sparse park housing only tennis courts and some small bathroom houses; all the way at the end is the supposed school. The sky is overcast and the weather misty.

I'm apparently attending this school as I remember walking out of it and speaking with some friends in the departing crowd. There's plans for an event of sorts, a party and an art show. There is also word of something pressing and ominous but I'm not sure what it is exactly; everyone else in the dream, however, seems to be well aware of whatever it is. I proceed to gather some things necessary for it to take place later, while finding some people who are connected to the event. I fly over from the school building to various tennis courts in the water-front park, pleasantly greeting the people I knew and reminding them about their duties to the event or inviting them. Flying this time around required a little effort and I initially thought this would be one of those dreams where I couldn't do much more than just hover a foot or two over the floor- but that didn't turn out the be the case and I did just fine taking off, gaining altitude, and landing down to various parts of this water-front park. I suppose I could have walked around the area since I didn't really have to leave it, but flying was faster, helped me find people more easily, and was just more fun :)

Eventually all the people and pieces are gathered and various small pieces of art work arranged in this gallery that's actually also in a small building in the water-front park. I act as gallery host to the main exhibition, which is also where one enters the building, and great and guide people to the reception hall which is a dark, suave lounge of sorts, the only light being that of a dim indigo. The same lighting seemed to be employed to the gallery space, but not nearly as dark . The framed artwork also seemed to have similar color schemes as well.

Shortly after the beginning of this reception, that ominous thing that was perceived earlier seems to have begun taking place. People are alarmed and hurry about, and tell me I have to do something, now's the time. I leave the building and start flying out over the park towards the school area. The sky and sea are tumultuous, churning with a storm, and it begins to rain. I reach my destination which is a sort of square swimming pool under a concrete or metal roof of sorts, supported by concrete pillars in each corner. The pool itself is dissected into 4 quadrants by concrete dividers one could walk along; however, that wasn't necessary. Everyone I had met earlier in the dream had congregated there in a somewhat hectic, though party-going manner, and were standing on top of the water in each of the four quadrants. I floated over to what was the upper right quadrant from my perspective and touched my feet down to the blue, undulating surface of the water, amongst the crowd. I felt as if I were to gather people from there and try to take them somewhere else, but once I touched down upon the water, all fades and the dream ends.

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