over 9 years ago
Death to Death :: zombies, white spider hybrid & Michael Jackson


Zombies. They surrounded me, and they were after only me, no one else even phased them. I had a couple of allies in the midst, one warrior woman named Veronica who never left me.... The zombies were not flesh eating, they were happy zombies it appeared actually. The most peculiar thing was that when I would stop and stand still, they would gather around me smiling, and they would also stop and just look at me. I felt safe when I stood still, but the flight response was too strong, I knew I had to flee. The moment I began to move again, they would chase at me and grab me. I actually killed one, snapping his neck although that didn't kill him. I just had to bash his head until he stopped moving. (gruesome, I know... not proud of it but hey)

Actually, as I am writing this I am remembering more. Lets back up a few dream scenes, it started on the edge of a cliff. A white car with two hooks coming off the tail was floating over the edge of a cliff. I grabbed one of the hooks, to bring it back because it seemed extremely important to do so, and hung there, suspended very lightly. I was standing on unstable ground, rather a suitcase that wobbled beneath me. I imagined I couldn't hold the car much longer and so when I swung it around to the land, I ended up tipping the suitcase and falling to my death over this cliff. I felt the rush of the fall and the adrenaline of my death. Fade to black. Then Flash! and I am instantly in another body, knowing I had just died and was now here. This time I am face to face with a large man-made machine with hooks and claws that is ripping trees out of the ground in the surrounding jungle. Myself and my companion - not sure who or what it was, feels like a deer perhaps - run from this machine as it chases us through the jungle, ripping out all the trees as it goes... We come upon a sanctuary, a land blocked off, safe from the machine monster. We breath a sigh of relief and resign to live here in this piece of land. We crawl through the bushes and find a house. Now in this clear backyard, we scurry across the land, unsuspecting and still catching our breath. Suddenly a rock comes flying from the house, a man with zero hair and shiny skin, a mouth opening twice the size as a normal humans, chucks this rock at me. I zoom out as a second person perspective as it hits the body I am, which happens to be a small white rat. Hitting me in the neck, I am choking, with my neck half broken, but not dead. I have the awareness that if I die I will simply move into the next body. So I ask the deer to help me die telempathically, to finish me off. The creepy shiny peach skinned man comes out. He has no lips, just flesh into flesh... He doesn't want me to die, he wants to keep me alive. Somehow, through a prolonged struggle, the sweet deer was able to send me to my death... fade to black and back to the zombies....

I am running from them now, with my team by my side. There is a massive wall and we manage to get over it. The zombies gather, climbing and clawing over one another, trying to make it up the wall. Eventually they figure it out, by stacking large plush, comfy sofas and chairs - one of them makes it over. At this point we are on the other side, awaiting some airship to come swoop us up and take us to another planet. Suddenly, before me is Michael Jackson - he too is a zombie... Pale skin, in his later years, but amazingly dressed in his black and white glittery suit and hat, gloves and all. We stand face to face, he is smiling into me and I am just stoke to see him, even if he's a zombie that wants to "do something" with me. Throughout the entire dream, I have no idea really what these "zombies" want with me. I finally get the cue that we have a safe haven to go to so I take off. This time, I am transformed. I have big white hair, and large white puffy Victorian Gothic hoop dress. Under the skirt, however, are no long legs, but large white spider legs.

Next we come into a mall. A bald man greets us there. I know immediately upon looking at his unassuming face that he is not to be trusted and yet, we proceed. He gives us these little floor spaces under the tile to hide in until our airship comes... As soon as we are each stowed away, I watch with my second attention that he too transforms into a sheepish hybrid creature, his snout grows, elongated and dozens of small razor sharp teeth come through. He calls his "boss" on his cell and his large hybrid croc/wolf/human snout snarls... He tells his boss he has us........ That is all I remember.

So many parallels in these seemingly separate dreams, but the characters all have similar qualities. For instance the neck breaking but not dying fully, the man that threw the rock and the man at the end who provided a false sanctuary. Basically, what I get is that there is no where I can "hide" from the shadow aspects of my consciousness that need integration, nor can I truly ever die, I am just eternal cycles of life and death. Either I can stay and face my "zombies" and shadow "enemies", or I can hide in false refuge until I die again and meet yet another cycle. Or something like that. Curious to hear what you would take away from this dream??

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