over 12 years ago
02.01.12- The Dharma Karma Race Track

First of all, I am waiting to write an entry about seeing ufo's in dreams. But I am waiting until I have another dream with one in it. Coincidently enough, several of my friends have seen ufos in the last couple days in real life and in dreams. One saw a triangle one in her dream and tried to call me from her cell phone in the dream, but apparntly you cant call someone from within a dream on your cell phone...at least not yet.

So onto this post. Last night in my dream I recall being in a scenario similar to one I have alraedy experienced in the crystalline. I was in a mountain filming race cars. While doing this, it took my mind back to the idea of anticipation in terms of filming. As a camera operator, it is your job to see into the future sometimes. In this situation, I can see the track, I know that the cars are following the track, thus I am able to predict the movement of the cars and film them appropriatly. No matter how fast the cars are moving, as long as I can see the track ahead of them, I can anticipate and act, oppose to react, accordingly.

When you are in synch with events in your life you have the ability to see the track ahead of where your car is racing. Now as much as we are the driver, we are also the track designers, that is why we know the track and can connect to events of the future. When you feel events in your life are good and you are genuienly happy, take the moment to reflect, because you can think about how this is what you have created for yourself, you can say to yourself "This is what I wanted, this is the story I have written for myself. I AM experiencing my own creation." But of course this creation for yourself that we call life can equally include hard and difficult times, because everything is a learning experience for you to grow from. You wouldn't want to race a car on a straight track forever would you? No, you want to test your abilities as a driver, you want those tight turns that can look dangerous going into them, but as long as you keep your eyes and your mind on where you are going then you'll get out of it okay.

If you feel that there are things you wish would be different, then good, recognize that, because that means you can see the track but your car might not be driving on it properly. You can fix this.

So here is some food for thought- does our track ever change, or is it just something that is always ready for us and we are just constantly striving to drive along it properly? I have the idea that before we came into this life we each created a track for ourselves, and our goal in this life is to ride that track because we designed it in order to find happiness and fufillment.

Now this next part I am going to say may be a bit of a paradigm shift because your original understand of these terms may currently be different to how I am about to explan them. The race track is your dharma - your life path. The universal energy trying to help remind you and direct you to get back onto your track is your karma. Ideally it is our goal as soul beings to live this experience and follow our dharma, and the karama is here to help us do that when we start getting off track. Makes sense, ya?

You are the driver. You are the race track.

Sight Beyond Sight. Inner Vision.

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