11 years ago
Dreamaya, ouroboros, rattlesnake totem

So this dream came to me a couple months ago...right before a very powerful transformation I went through and am still going through. This dream is one of the most powerful, sacred dreams I have ever had the honor of having, so it has taken me awhile to feel ready to share. I feel it is in alignment and I am ready to share. Here it is,

The dream began in a wooden house, with high ceilings and wood arches. It reminds me a lot of the home I live in now. The main room was open and had stone floors and the room itself was connected to a cave. I and one other woman were going to be sharing medicine together, it was going to be my first experience with this plant spirit. We were to sit side by side in lotus position right in front of the wet, dark cave that was connected to the room we were in. I was warned by an elder that rattlesnakes lived in the cave and that after drinking the medicine they would probably come out and surround us. I felt a little fear, but I let it go because I knew the spirit of the plants would guide me through it.

We drank and I felt the energy of the medicine pulse through my veins and electrify my energy body. I felt the spirit of dreamaya slither and dance through me. I closed my eyes and felt everything dim darker in the space we were in. It was as if the room itself fell away and the cave became this ancient sacred temple that surrounded me. Once I entered this space I immediately started feeling the rattlesnakes surround me. I opened my eyes and saw one light green snake slithering up my body and wrapping around my neck, I felt it's peaceful energy. I knew instinctively it was protecting me from the rattlesnakes. The rattlesnakes circled in closer and felt the wrapping around my legs and trying to climb up my body. The green snake was still protecting me and was wrapped around my neck like an amulet. I sensed spirits all around me and the plants spirit was taking me deeper. I became overwhelmed I knew the rattlesnakes wanted to bite and I couldn't handle it any longer. I gently unwrapped the green snake from my neck, grateful for it's protection and set it down and stood up and untangled myself from the rattlesnakes as quickly as I could. I started running out of the room and I knew the rattlesnakes were following me. I opened the nearest door and shut it quickly. Somehow the snakes found they're way in and I opened the next door into another room and for awhile my dream continued on like this, I just kept running from room to room, trying to shut the snakes out.

Finally I found myself in a room that seemed to keep them out for a little while. There was girl in the room who had me lay down, I put my head in her lap and for a little while felt very comfortable. She sprinkled me with water and said some sort of soft.spoken mantra. I knew that she was preforming a special water healing on me. I felt very cleansed and nurtured afterward and just rested for awhile. Then I felt the snakes were coming closer and I left the girl and entered the last room. In the last room, there was a large table and seated at the table were people I have known throughout my life. Most of the them were people I didn't know well but I had attended school with, people who I felt never acknowledged my presence or didn't really recognize my soul during that time in my life. It was like I was making peace with them, and we were all talking as if we were old friends. I told them that I had just had this crazy dream about being in ceremony and then being chased by these rattlesnakes and that I had been so afraid in my dream. I told them all the details of my dream up until the last part where I had entered this room. I thought that it had all been a dream and that there wasn't still a rattlesnake waiting in the room right next to the one I was in. One girl spoke up, she asked me why I had been so afraid of the snakes and told me that she loved snakes and that if you weren't afraid you could even hold rattlesnakes. She got excited talking about it and said "Why don't we just open that door and see if there really is a snake in there" and then suddenly it all came back and I realized it hadn't been a dream and there was still a snake behind the door. I tried to stop her from opening the door because I didn't want her to get hurt by the rattlesnake. Everyone in the room got really excited about opening the door though, so she opened it.

Immediately the rattlesnakes rushed in, all of the snakes completely ignored the other people and came straight for me. I knew that there was one in particular that was going to try to bite me, I looked down and realized it was already on me and was headed straight for me neck. Suddenly it was coiled around my neck and poised to bite into me. I felt all my fear..really felt it. Then I completely acknowledged my death..The passage way. The transition. I let go completely of my fear and surrendered to the venom and to the snake. As soon as I surrendered, the snake suddenly fell of my neck and started writhing on the floor as if it was on fire and it twisted itself into an infinity symbol and bit it's own tail. It was vibrating with visible energy and I was in complete awe. Humbled by this sacred moment...witnessing the full cycle of death.re.birth transformation. I felt so honored to have experienced this holy initiation and for the medicine of rattlesnake.

I awoke.


This dream was even more sacred to me because leading up to this dream I had been making a ceremonial rattle. I had cleaned out the gourd, found some cedar on my parents land to make the handle, painted the rattle with sacred rainbow shipibo circuitry and a sea turtle totem painted on it as well. I had felt there was one other animal totem I needed to paint on the other side, but I wasn't sure what animal it should be. Turtle had come to me strongly the day I began making the rattle and was a symbol of the earth mother. I was almost done with my rattle but wasn't ready to put it together until I found the other totem....

When I awoke from this dream I realized.....I had been making this rattle.....for ceremony and now rattle.snake had come to me in such a powerful way...

When I realized what had just happened I felt moved to tears by how beautiful this dream was and how much it meant to me. I painted rattlesnake onto my rattle and filled it with sacred stones and seeds, and listened to the rattlesnake rhythms that emerged.

I hope this dream inspired you all and reminded you of the medicine of all our earth relatives. Serpents are one of our oldest teachers, among birds, plants and stones. We have a deep relationship to the serpent and there is some very powerful medicine they have to share with us, if we can let go of our fear of the unknown.


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