over 10 years ago
dream journal synchronicity
surreal imagery
bird heads changing
large owls
Hypnagogic Bird Dance Tributes

October 19th, 1968 - In real life, we had visited an old married couple that day. I did not record their names (would have to look at certain old letters which I do not have access to right now) and I personally only traveled there with my father (or remember it as such) one time, possibly connected to the Love family but I am not sure. I think the area was near or at Quail Hollow. At any rate, they had two small owls living in the eaves of their porch - they seemed to find two sections of a concrete block at the top of one section to be a good place to play peak-a-boo from. I thought it was kind of nice to have a pair of owls in one’s home. Looking back now, I do not recall what they themselves thought. I later dream of wandering alone at night through mostly shoulder-high grasses and cornfields (recurring as a younger child) and near an occasional tree. I seem to be focused on finding the owls. I mostly only see shadows and engage in “shadow-play” on a tree for a short time. (As stated before, I believe that one’s shadow in a dream represents their waking self, especially in lucid dreams - plenty of overwhelming evidence I had recorded for that.) I am fully lucid eventually, but still in a state of wandering about.

This brings me to the now. (November 11, 2013. Monday) A large number of sandpipers and curlews gather in a dance of life. It is almost like a ritual. They give tribute to the predators in awe of their power perhaps, but they do it out of a genuine natural instinctive rhythm of a sort, not just as a sacrifice to the naturally more-intelligent, more-powerful hunter-type nor as a consuming fear they may be eaten. This seems to create a harmony of sorts, a temporary truce with the “lower” curlew and sandpiper forms, but which all are needed in the “chain of life” so to speak.

There becomes a point where the timid curlews, when back to back in pairs, are completely safe. Dancing back to back, they fool the ones who seek them - to instigate harm to them - by appearing as a completely different form…the great horned owl…or perhaps a “new” creature even more mythical and mysterious.


SEVEN BILLION people on the planet and only a very small handful with regular dream journals within the total of ALL the dream journal sites on the entire Internet. After I posted this one (also posted here: http://dreamcatcher.net/blueopossum/15096 )…

Two other people (out of the seven billion on the planet) posted owl-related dreams on that site (even the same kind in one, a great horned owl), shortly after my post (one being apparently pre-dated, as it appears after mine), both with photographic imagery:



You can tell by the number in the URL how close together these were posted and both after mine.

surreal imagery
dream dictionaries
bird heads changing
dream dictionaries
large owls
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