over 48 years ago
tiko and the shark
coconut bowling bowls
bridge over water vanishes
shark in the water
movie influence on dream
precognitive dream
"Tiko's Treasure"

Morning of November 29, 1975. Saturday.

Yet another one of the many thousands of rather pointless precognitive dreams I have had, this one from 1975 (there being a couple other more “sparse” versions in 1977). This one was based on a (at the time fictional in premise) sequel, or rather remake of “Ti-Koyo e il suo pescecane” which I knew at the time as “Tiko and the Shark” (1962). I always really liked the movie even though I later discovered that I had only ever seen the drastically cut version prior, on the “CBS Children’s Film Festival” a few times, and learned there was some postcognition involved as well. What is interesting is that I had not actually known that even the full original movie had Tiko as an adult later on from what I have read about it as in my dream, which was very accurate in parts as if I was seeing something actually real but only in my dream - to rectify a closer connection, validated only much later on, as with the majority of my childhood dreams, especially when relating to movies in a more trivial sense.

My dream was yet again very precise in certain precognitive nuances but lacking in others. The (again, at the time) fictional remake had “Bora Bora” in the title (I did not even really associate this with the real-life Tiko movie at the time - but only with the term “south seas”). In real life, a few years later, the actual remake was out. Coincidentally, I had found myself watching it at a sister’s house and found it interesting, but not as nostalgic of course, as the original - although I was mostly quite used to detailed and multi-layered precognition on a day to day basis, it seemed very eerie that this obscure movie was even remade in the first place. The full title (the new version made in 1979 but supposedly not released until 1981) was “Beyond the Reef - Sharkboy of Bora Bora”. In my dream, my best friend Toby T and I were on an old and very long and no longer used bridge or pier in Bora Bora and discussing the movie from a sort of implied critical stance, and at the same time, we were somehow going into the future and reflecting on Tiko’s life, as we spoke, as if he was a real character with family and such. Once we were in the future (which seems strange, as Tiko was actually from the past), the bridge vanished (since I guess it had collapsed by then - or maybe we were going into the past and it had yet to be built, sometimes dreams are strange this way - but our talking seemed to manifest where we were going at any rate) and I was left in the water with a concern about sharks. I see many shark fins, but am not attacked (in the actual movie, Tiko had a “pet” shark that supposedly even “purred” like a cat). Somehow, though, Toby was still on the bridge in the distance. At one point, it seems I become Tiko (Ti-Koyo in the non-dubbed uncut version).

There is another (fictional) movie suggested in my dream (which did not turn out to relate to anything to my knowledge and in my dream seems more like some sort of “making of” documentary) called “Tiko’s Treasure”. There is a weird scene where it seems that there are bowling balls floating around everywhere near shore, but also called “black pearls” (Tiko’s “treasure”?) and where a grass hut is (near the end of my dream). However, it turns out that they are actually empty coconuts that someone painted up to look like bowling balls for some reason, or maybe also as black pearls to fool treasure hunters. The grass hut also seems to be some sort of place to buy tickets for the “Tiko and the Shark” remake. There are also some “fake” villages (like movie sets) for tourists as apparently in real life (which I found out about years later).

Once again, my dreams presented a highly unlikely idea with a few precise nuances in the otherwise mess that turned out to be precognitive after all.

In an unrelated dream with a similar idea of going out over a long bridge over the ocean, I see a girl (unknown) standing near the side, on the walkway, but facing towards me. There are no cars, as it seems an unusual time late at night or early in the morning. When I walk towards her, though, everything vanishes from underneath me, and I fall into the ocean. This was a very vivid dream experience.

movie influence on dream
dream dictionaries
tiko and the shark
dream dictionaries
precognitive dream
dream dictionaries
shark in the water
dream dictionaries
bridge over water vanishes
dream dictionaries
coconut bowling bowls
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