over 10 years ago
scorpion with earwig tail
red rays
hybrid creatures
frog with earwig tail
Red rays and trident, DOOM misadventure, hybrid creatures

Morning of December 8, 2013. Sunday.

I had intricate weird dreams today. I expected as much due to the fact we have a new type of air conditioner to help us sleep much better, as the warmer climate has finally gotten to be too much to deal with. I never understood how people could enjoy overly warm weather; as even with larger floor fans it is sometimes too hard to either focus or sleep. (Personally, I do not mind the colder regions, but that is not feasible - and even so my mouth had a tendency to stick to cans of soda when walking, which made consumption of a beverage a bit problematic. Napping in a bathtub full of ice cubes every other hour is not really productive either.)

In one dream, I seem to be in some sort of large, posh public theater with a very high ceiling. I am not quite sure what the performance or movie is on the stage - which seems to be at about forty-five degrees to my left. Apparently, then, the seats are not directly facing the implied stage or screen for whatever reason in architectural design (recurring). To my right is some sort of highly annoying and unwashed hippie character (almost Charles-Manson-like) making rude comments about everything and anything in the area, the performance/movie (or whatever is being shown), my clothes, his clothes, the seats, where the door is (which is fairly close and to my right - the hippie is the last character in the row to my right), how my “race” (my heritage is mixed anyway) has been treated by the dominant culture, and so on. Perhaps he is some sort of famous (or infamous) “architectural activist”(?)

To my left, there is another male, and the next person over to my left from there, his (unknown) female companion. He makes a remark (in a sort of friendly but albeit patronizing way) about me having crumbs in my hair (apparently near my left ear), which is somewhat annoying, as there does not seem to be any there when I check - or perhaps he has brushed them off. It turns out to be David Bowie - but at a fairly young age (around thirty or so). Interesting, as I have not listened to his music in a long time (and am not really a big fan - but I do like some of his songs). He is shouting out now and then, slightly lifting up in his seat (but not standing) about the performance (in a positive sense) and also perhaps to someone he knows in rows closer to the stage or screen. His shout-outs seem a little like the vocal essence of Iggy Pop. I am amazed at how vivid this part is, as I can feel the warmth from his body, the energy of his movements and the clarity and unusual “shaky” rhythm of his vocalizations. I am intrigued. He actually seems to like me, but his female companion does not and makes rude remarks about my hair and acts like she would rather be anywhere than in the theater.

After time passes, a very large red trident, glowing with a bright flame-like but internal lighting, appears directly in front of the spectators (perhaps on an otherwise unseen additional main stage that is oriented more logically than the forty-five degree one) and the round recessed ceiling lights are then much dimmer. The oversized trident (being at least ten feet high) has a bit of smaller external sparks and flames then seems to be somewhat more like a Hanukkah menorah (nine-branched candelabrum), but then made up of three tridents chained together, the outer two crossed over each other. It then seems more like some sort of construct that opens through the middle like a gate of some kind, for a live dancing performance (of the old-style kaleidoscopic-when-viewed-from above type) with red rays making “x” shapes. It gets darker and darker, and I feel movement (as if the seat is on a railroad-track-like structure) - and it seems I am instigating a lucid dream state from there. (In real life, we do have a large toy red trident, which stands upright in the living room presently - I guess a throwback to my early Harvey “Hot Stuff” days as a boy.)

I end up, oddly enough, in an ancient-looking stone-walled halls environment, somewhat maze-like, which reminds me of an enhanced and far more texturally realistic map of the original DOS “Doom” game, one of the only computer games I have ever played much, from years ago (and by which I designed a full “world” of very complex structure for its time and hopefully still have a copy of somewhere). I find the atmosphere and vividness (and growing lucidity) very pleasing. I walk around for awhile. A German Shepherd dog, with the black fur a bit more dominant mostly around the head and shoulders, appears from out of an alcove to my right (only out to his middle section from my perspective) without incident. He seems very passive and potentially friendly, but I walk on past the area. Finally, it starts to dawn on me, after walking around for a fair amount of time admiring the various types of stone textures, hanging overgrown vines sticking out from some sections, and so on, that if I am in the “game of Doom” that there should be monsters, demons, whatever around. I try to focus and let myself “enter” the concept. No good. Most “monsters” and “aliens” were banished from my subconscious many years ago. I try harder and harder to lucidly manifest a zombie, ogre, minotaur, giant spongy eyeball, whatever. Nothing… I do a jig and wave my fists around doing a silly song something like “C’mon monsters, come and get me, come on zombies, ogres, demons, aliens come and get me!” Nothing. I guess because of twenty years of non-practice of such juvenile concepts and more viable tulpas I do not have that ability - which is no great loss, really - I just wanted to see what it was like to be “inside” a computer game to its fullest extent. After a time, I actually use the pulsing method within the dream (which is technically not wholly feasible in the dream state as you then have to use your assumed dream-body neck muscles and such and diaphragm muscles). I feel a strong almost electrical energy and subtle vibration, almost like a cross between “buck fever” and a winter chill. What is missing, however, is the quivering above the navel representing enforced will (manifestation/expectation together as one).

Finally, I see something in the T-section of the hallway ahead of me, on the right side of the adjoining hallway, some sort of movement. It appears to be a minotaur, but I am only aware of parts of the arm and legs at times. I force, as consciously and lucidly as I can within this point of the dream, an inverted pulsing much like sleep paralysis when in a semi-awake state. I say patiently…”Aliens, zombies, monsters, come and start the game…” Nothing. Perhaps there is some sort of button somewhere that begins the game but I do not see any.

Finally, my patience runs out. I decide that if I run, perhaps I will then be chased by the “Doom brigade”. It seems logical enough. I remember instigating countless chases when younger. I turn and run down the hallway at a fair speed. However, as I run, I get a different idea. I decide to see what will happen if I run straight into the solid stone wall at the end of the opposite T-section. I “smash” right into the stone wall and wake up, my body moving slightly to the side as I wake. Oh well.

Another dream involves watching strange scorpion-like arachnids on the ground in an area with no grass in our backyard. There are also crustacean-like crab creatures (which are also a bit spider-like) that seem connected to other odd variations. Over time, I notice a few scorpions that have two horn-like protrusions in the back, much like an earwig rather than scorpion-like at the “tail”. All in all, most of the creatures seem to be a scorpion in front and an earwig in back (even though arachnids and insects are not compatible at all - which I seem vaguely aware of). Later, however, my wife and children are in the backyard and the creatures seem a bit less threatening (only by assumed association - I am not concerned about them at all regarding my own safety). Now, they are actually “earwig-cane-toads”. Small cane toads for the most part, with earwig features. Wow. What next? Still, they may be a pest, but the dream is mostly uneventful.

In another dream, I am with my sister Marilyn but in my Cubitis home, which appears correct rather than as a facet of a composite as is often the case. She is only about thirty at the most (but much older than me in real life) and is sitting at the living room table to the west of the room. A daughter of Evelyn W (Evelyn W being a relative and more of a friend to my mother - and where I got the “Little Red Feather” figure from as a young child) - NW, also only about thirty, is on the south end of the same table. From there, nothing makes much sense. Supposedly, she has “driven from Chicago (Illinois)” or from (Dearborn) Michigan(?) - this seems like part of some sort of practiced self-correction (which my dreams sometimes seem to do, as if they are “building and rebuilding themselves” before becoming more coherent at a later stage) - when in real life she lived in Wisconsin for the most part. At the same time, I am aware that this, my “Florida home” is somehow presently in Australia and it seems unusual that she has “driven here” (within the dream’s environment) as - how could anyone drive from the USA to Australia? Over time, she seems rather obnoxious (I heard only recently that she was disowned by family when she was alive because of taking her mother’s house and not letting anyone else have or see anything in it anymore). She has a daughter about two years of age in the dream who is sitting on the floor, and the only other character in the dream at this point is my youngest son. Nothing really adds up here. It seems like some sort of very sparse composite from a “higher dimension” with mismatched connections and self-correction at the “lower” levels.

UPDATE: I have changed this entry’s status to precognitive (though it is more correctly described as dream journal synchronicity mostly) due to the fact that a post right after mine ironically had a main aspect I did not directly mention here, that is, “red lasers” and the idea of a show: http://www.dreamjournal.net/journal/index.cfm?username=london_lad&dream_id=189818

hybrid creatures
dream dictionaries
frog with earwig tail
dream dictionaries
scorpion with earwig tail
dream dictionaries
red rays
dream dictionaries
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