over 10 years ago
tinfoil hat people
youtube persona
conspiracy theorist
Conspiracy theorists on the loose

Morning of January 17, 2014. Friday.

For a reason I am not at all sure of, I am seemingly at the home of a well-known YouTube hillbilly conspiracy theorist. He has claimed to be in his forties, but could easily pass for seventy-five - and his wife looked about fourteen in a few older videos. This strange scenario is some sort of rehashing of old data (old memories) for the most part, I guess, as I have not watched many of his videos on YouTube as it is, and rarely all of any of them. He apparently has thousands of followers, many for the unintended comedy, endless delusional rants, and narcissism, and I have often wondered if the character is a real persona, but then, seeing other things of late regarding people and their ideas, I suppose anything is possible no matter how bizarre.

In the dream, he only makes an actual appearance near the beginning and near the last part, where he returns home from having been out quite late at night. I guess I am babysitting his daughter all day (although it looks somewhat like his real-life wife). When he does show up, I notice that he is wearing a strange full-head helmet (and supposedly always wears it even when sleeping - although I had not noticed it in the first part of the dream, I do not think). It seemingly reminds me of a character head from Marvel’s “Creatures on the Loose” (or perhaps “Monsters on the Prowl”) but that might be a false memory. It actually looks the most like a Cylon head (from “Battlestar Galactica”) somewhat - but with a larger eye area.

I am not one hundred percent sure on why he went out or what he was doing. I think it was related to getting supplies (cartons of eggs and such) and likely ammunition, as he was loading a rifle of some sort on the couch after returning home. I get the impression that he was actually “giving” me the girl for the time he was gone as if he thought he “owned” her, but no drama ensued. Apparently, he thought I was going to treat her badly, even violently (as I imagined he had done), although I did not really go near her the whole time. I actually feel a bit wary at not being as insane as he is (even though I try to “fit in” temporarily in the scenario just to avoid any trouble from him, by acting as friendly as possible and agreeing with his strange ideas about alien invasions, what to eat and what not to eat, and such) and am wondering what he would do if he learned I had not harmed the girl at all.

The dream seems somewhat ambiguous. I seem to want to avoid him seeing me when he returns, even though I am expected to be there and I do not really see him as threatening other than being “harmlessly” deranged for the most part (unless he is armed, I suppose). His presence is very menacing on one level, but I think that is merely the effect of the weird mask/helmet (otherwise his character is physically very weak and very weak-minded). I am aware he also eats through the mask, likely having to wash it off later after mashing the food through whatever openings there are in the mask. It does not function like a gas mask, I do not think, but has something to do with being protected from alien brainwaves or invisible government weapons or some such (hard to say with him). I guess it is basically just a more advanced symbolism for a tinfoil hat as with such people.

conspiracy theorist
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tinfoil hat people
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