over 48 years ago
shirt of fake skin
neighbor becomes super villian
false skin
"False Skin"

Night of November 8, 1975. Saturday.

This long but disjointed dream (movie-like in implications) repeated in diverse segments over a longer time period. It was based on an accident Lisa M’s father was involved in when he left a can of gasoline sitting near a bonfire in bright early afternoon sunlight (in the backyard in Cubitis, located just near the border of the large weedy area that eventually met the train tracks) and it exploded. He was not burned fatally, though, just on his arms and chest for the most part.

In my dream, there is not much focus on continuity. The neighbor than becomes a super-villain going by the unlikely name of Gumbala (a possible play on Gumby - a claymation figure/character I could not stand to listen to or watch). (This was a day or so before I heard someone talking about gumbo - a word I was not really familiar with; a type of dish using okra, I think, which we grew to very large proportions, although I discovered I did not care for it; just liked growing it/watching how amazingly tall it got. It was like eating tough, slimy grass. I guess I needed cooking lessons or a better recipe.)

In my dream, I become aware of a possible “attack” by this demonic character (he does not seem quite human in my dream as a result of the accident - yet not a “real” demon in that regard - just a supposedly mutated “super-villain” with apparent special abilities of some kind) while in the new room my father had built. I duck down under the west wall’s single window. He announces himself and begins to take off his shirt to reveal his “real self”. I am aware that his “shirt” is actually a shirt of “false skin” (made from real skin, though, from his victims) to make people think he is not really a “monster”. Also, his unusual lizard-like “hands” are covered with gloves of artificial skin or worse, more skin of his victims (similar to Ed Gein’s crimes, which probably strongly influenced this dream - my brother-in-law Bob actually knew him; at least met him a few times). He is the only other character in my dream, most of which seemingly takes place late at night and very early morning. He has some sort of “lair” which is reached via a corner that turns about somewhat like a revolving door, but is “invisible” unless put into use.

In a way, I suppose this is partly a result of knowing how he lied to his daughter in real life (and I never fully told her about this) whereby her dog (a young, active dachshund) was dead (hit by a car on the very close highway) and he buried the dog in the weedy area near the train tracks (I actually saw him do this). He then got her a different “identical” dog, apparently without her noticing. Eventually, later on, she said she had thought that the dog might be a different one when I only vaguely suggested the idea it did not seem to be the same dog - but her saying that the “original” was probably living at a grandmother’s house in another town. A very similar event happened at our present address (but in this case, it was not even the same type of dog even though she tried to convince us it was the same dog). In all honesty, though, he was a good neighbor in real life.

false skin
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neighbor becomes super villian
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shirt of fake skin
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