10 years ago
In and out of magic

Morning of March 6, 2014. Thursday.

My family and I are living in Brisbane in my dream. However, there is one part where I am in my old apartment on King Street - the middle one of the eastern side. I am looking at Google Maps and trying to determine where our house is from the above view, though the range is much closer than in reality. There is a fictional business full of stacks of old tires (on the corner of a block) where I can see them very closely from above (probably a link to Eco 3, where I worked as a teen), across from a similar business, where I first determine our house is supposed to be, which does not make much sense unless it is a much older image of the area before our house was built. There is a clear association of that area with the fictional restaurant that we owned and supposedly where we lived for a time - from a different dream - and I have intriguing false memories in-dream - of events and times there. I always find it interesting when dreams have clear associations and "memories" of fictional locations in prior dreams. Still, I eventually decide it is not the right location. Looking at the screen, I seem to see two Fifth Streets in a row (shown as 5th Street), running parallel, which seems very unlikely. I work out that one number is actually a six. (In real life, we have the same address as another in the same region, which seems sort of odd). ("Fifth Avenue", though not directly associated with "Fifth Street", is associated with unpleasant memories as a young adult, regarding both job injuries and highly corrupt authority, as well as it being the name of a candy bar I sometimes ate during the same time period - irony, I guess.)

I later discover that, for some reason, I have an unknown girl's schoolbooks at a desk - which may have been either thrown out (perhaps even accidentally) or lost - and I or a family member had recently picked them up. There are three books in the set; the first is more like a textbook and it mostly shows images of military vehicles but there are not many question and answer sections, although there are various loose notebook pages with handwriting in pencil between some pages. I go through the pages for a reasonable amount of time. There are detailed drawings of larger trucks, jeeps, and tanks and the pages include details on various features of the vehicles and their purpose. I anticipate the next book and look through it, which is more workbook-like. I notice all or most of the work has been done, but I am still interested in a challenge of doing the work myself even though I see all the supposed answers. Most of the book is one long series of word associations in lists from phrases or partial phrases and it seems too cryptic in my opinion to make much sense as a task or assessment and I do not see the logic in any implied purpose. Each next phrase, starting from the top of the list, uses a word from the phrase before (with each continuing phrase having two spaces to fill). For example, one may be "He says that he ____ try", followed by integrating one of the words into the blank of the next partial phrase, "____ you visit the admiral's office to ____", the first and second blank being "will". Oddly, though, there are lines that are in Russian (only now and then), by which the words must be translated before going to next lines. I get the impression that the school was somehow training for the CIA or perhaps the army. I do not get to the third book before my dream shifts.

In the next section of my dream, I am walking through the neighborhood and notice an entire street of extremely decrepit and partially collapsed buildings. Most are residential, but there are also a couple larger business buildings on the corners of the block. I feel a bit strange (I guess a sort of mild embarrassment) living in a town with such features, as if the entire town may someday be like this and no one would maintain anything. There is concern that the front of some of the buildings might fall onto anyone walking through the area. (A neighbor has a garage like this in real life. The entire front is at an angle and there is a wider vertical crack almost all the way from top to bottom. Also, I missed, by mere seconds, an entire garage falling on me, while inside, when we lived in Brisbane years ago.) I talk to the mayor when he mentions that work may be done in the future. I tell him that the area should be transformed into a haunted-house-themed park. He seems to think I am being sarcastic and obnoxious, but I am actually sincere in my idea. I tell him it would draw more people to the town and boost the economy somewhat. (In real life, the town we live in is having more and more businesses closed, some because of the recurring floods, bankruptcy, and so on.)

I am eventually in a house of someone I do not know and the woman's son and daughter are getting ready for school as she sits at a table in the living room or dining room. I have some sort of magical ability and create a large apple on the table with unusual properties. It is "doubled"; that is, more like two apples fused together into one so that it has two stalks and two calyx areas. The apple is somewhat angular, narrower at the bottom than some other varieties. The woman is seemingly not that impressed or even "bothered" by my magic and I move my hand about and it changes into a different variety of apple, growing slightly darker.

While at the school (location unknown), I decide to ask the girl to stay free for the day and she seems happy about not going into the school. Her brother is apparently still going and seems slightly annoyed. There is a picnic table where I move my hand over the surface and, directly under my right hand, two times in a row, a glass of water grows up from the table as I lift my hand from the surface each time. It seems an interesting magic trick in appearance and sensation. Picnic tables have always been a common feature in my dreams, even in unlikely locations (such as inside houses or in otherwise fancy restaurants).

A movie, documentary-like, is later made of my life, yet also seems to be "real" with the additional characters in their own lives supposedly as themselves. It stars Bill Cosby (yes, I know - highly unlikely to play me) as his "magical" character in "The Meteor Man" and Nicola Cowper as the girl who never went back to school from that day. It may relate to reviewing a couple older dreams such as "My Final Body" and "'Meteor Men' and the last of the gypsy carnivals", because sometimes that happens, especially during the start of hypnopompia and surfacing recent associations.

There was also an offset section of my dream where my sister Marilyn, who had passed away recently, had a (fictional) younger relative who looked exactly like her and was in her house. It seemed vaguely comforting. This part also had a scene where I was looking at workbooks of some kind, on a coffee table, I think calculus or physics.

theta b3.0
random dream...
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