over 46 years ago
logan's run influence
carousel in my room
another world
precognition associations
Iro's Dimension (precognitive)

Morning of September 17, 1977. Saturday.

This was of a new period of lucid dreaming for me as well as higher vividness. 1977 was an unusual year for this. In my dream, I had fallen asleep on the living room couch (I had absentmindedly written "leaving room" instead of "living room" in the original entry). Through the glass panes of my atypical bedroom door (which did not close normally but rather squeezed into the doorway with some noisy difficulty), I see an unusual variation of the mystery girl. The level of vividness is extreme and fully in-body and I try to control my in-dream breathing a bit more than usual. I watch her through the glass as the glass panes seem much bigger than in reality (seeming to "grow", actually). She is making references to riding the carousel with her...an actual carousel somehow in my room (or on the other side of the "mirror" aka window panes), although there is minor influence from having seen the first episode of "Logan's Run" (the television series). In that show, the carousel meant death (at the age of thirty) but in the dream, it is only slightly ominous. There is a lot of in-dream "energy" or "vibration" that mostly only occurred in particular dream-types related to the mystery girl.

Over time, the carousel takes on a strange appearance, somewhat like a round, rotating wooden dock, almost like a circular version of part of the "Gunsmoke" set, as if the carousel was somewhat like a soap bubble where parts of it faded over time before it vanished completely. The imagery of this part of the dream came to match exactly - a large drawing my wife's mother had done in Nimbin (with several copies in her family) long before I saw it in reality (and regardless of the high unlikelihood of someone making a drawing of that nature, which incidentally also included the theme of a divine or "twin soul" marriage - I mean, who else would associate a rotating carousel with nuances of a rotating circular "Gunsmoke" set or "ghost town"?). In real-life, the carousel my wife had actually been on during that same time was eventually dismantled (in Australia) and ended up where I lived in America, any of these things being the tip of the iceberg in thousands of unlikely parallels and precognitive nuances.

In my dream, I end up going through the glass somehow. I end up in some sort of business office where a group called "IRO" (possibly based on a fictional in-dream name of a male named Iro?) is holding a meeting about an upcoming novel called "Reflections", which was apparently going to be written by the mystery girl (yet remain unpublished in "my" dimension - it was as if I was in an "alternate version of the future"). There is a discussion relating to refugees from Hungary, though at the time I had no conscious associations with "International Refugee Organization" and did not even think about the additional significance until many years later. (My wife's father was technically a refugee during the Roma "ethnic cleansing" and escaped to Australia). (In real life, my wife had also written an unpublished novel called "Reflections" before I ever made real-life contact with her, continuing my usual tip-of-the-iceberg run.)

It seems unusual for me to be where I am and I wonder if I should stay, though I get the impression I would miss out on ten or more years of my life. I engage in a conversation with one male who asks me why I am able to focus on my dreams (and "other dimensions") so well and document them and research as much as possible, to "solve" things. I tell him that if I had not done so, I would only seem to be "half here". I must be an exception to the rule. Billions of other people do not seem to have that interest in being "complete" or actively in search of purpose. I am not sure if the male leader is called Iro or again if it is just a group name. I also get the impression of a younger sister of the mystery girl being called Rugboe. However, this comes to be a distortion of "Rugby", which I did not learn of until years later (after moving to Australia).

A male asks me if I think that other people actually exist on "my" side other then myself, my "predestined" mate, and a handful of other people and I am not sure what he means. It almost seems like this other in-dream "pocket world" is only a business building where about six or seven men exist, forever in a "business meeting" of sorts.

Eventually, I understand that I cannot stay in this "other realm" much longer. There is a vague awareness that it is "parallel" to my Cubitis bedroom and I even seem to be in my room as such at times (many in-dream locations, as well as more often being composites, sometimes seem to "hold" two or more places at the same time while also existing in their own space). I do have more parts of the "puzzle", though. I decide to think about this mystery girl again, and her unpublished "Reflections" novel. Maybe I will actually meet her one day...the carousel event and "Little Red Feather" being two other clues. The man asks me if "Little Red Feather" is my "real name" and I answer with no, not at all, it is the name of a toy plastic figure given to me by a cousin (Evelyn W) when I was six. I suppose the mystery girl is puzzled at this.

...particularity as my yet-to-be wife had an "imaginary" playmate of that name in Australia at the time...long before we made "real" contact...

There are certain things you never come back from, and which you cannot "unlearn" no matter how many millions of people "exist differently".

another world
dream dictionaries
logan's run influence
dream dictionaries
carousel in my room
dream dictionaries
precognition associations
dream dictionaries
theta b3.0
random dream...
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