26 years ago
bed as kite
treasures from the sky
Kite Treasures

Morning of March 24, 1998. Tuesday.

I experienced a vivid semi-lucid dream. My older half-sister Carol was also in the area of an unknown mostly undefined location, though possibly an ambiguous composite of the Cubitis driveway (Florida, America) and a part of Clayfield (Australia). I am flying a large kite in the morning and there is a very peaceful awareness. Eventually, I somehow bring down from the sky, a fancy and valuable bed frame, mostly parts of the headboard and frame at first, of a shiny red color. I later bring down two sections for the foot of the bed. As such, it seems there are more treasures in the sky which kites can be used to manually bring down somehow, sometimes in the (temporary) place of the kite - which then likely needs to be replaced (though apparently sometimes connected to the kite or within a box kite).

Contrary to misguided popular belief, as with many dreams, the nature of this dream probably only metaphorically relates to the semi-lucid dreaming process itself and a predilection for focusing on the creative process or dual-self (or "self talk") mechanism while in dream states. Looking at location (in general), most of what is underground or under the dreamer probably relates to the individual subconscious (or "buried memories", certainly not necessarily suppressed - something that is overly promoted in some misguided works). Most of what is above the dreamer (as here in this dream) is probably related to the supraconscious or waking consciousness (though greatly dependent on context). In this case, it seems my sleeping self is making a creative endeavor to link with waking consciousness (rather than the other way around as some people would claim - but after all, the "primitive" subconscious is filled with contradictory and ambiguous nonsense and a seeming deliberate propensity to get anything and everything wrong - unless, at least on some occasions, integrated with both conscious or semiconscious and supraconscious access).

This is humorous in its own way. My typical less-aware dream self is linking to the potential of active conscious intelligence and so my waking mind sends down a bed to give reference to the fact that I am actually sleeping and dreaming at the time - almost being like an act of playful sarcasm from the waking self to the dream self. At the same time, my "lower" dream self sees waking life (and conscious intelligence) as a very special gift, far more important than the individual subconscious with its lack of critical thinking functions. Additionally, the fact that Carol is near may imply a lesser relationship with her than other relatives - in a subtle "go fly a kite" projection (perhaps indirectly implied by her character).

In summary, flying a kite in a dream probably only represents either an attempt to wake up or to access conscious mind intelligence. (For example, regarding one relevant dream experience, instead of a noise fully waking me up, it triggered a dream about a neighbor's kite crashing into the roof - verifying the attempt to wake did not work.) Remember that the very word for waking up is "rising" (as in "rise and shine") as well as "getting up".

Additionally, I had a couple typical task-based dreams; one about changing computer programs internally (relative to conditional jumps changed in a personally useful way) and another about sorting out stamps in a collection (my attention to stamp collecting being mostly focused from 1970-1978).

bed as kite
dream dictionaries
treasures from the sky
dream dictionaries
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