over 55 years ago
floating question mark
doctor hippogippus
peter potamus
animated cartoon in dream
hippo doctor
Doctor Hippogippus

Morning of January 6, 1969. Monday. (This is the newly researched and corrected first version of a briefly recurring “set” as of May 30, 2015.)

On a prologued side note, I cannot believe it took me nearly fifty years to make the connection of this dream with the “Hippocratic Oath” - an oath historically taken by physicians, especially considering my meticulous focus on dream research since very young. (There may also be a vague association with “hypocrite” as well, though that is not certain.)

This was a short-term recurring vivid childhood dream of a cartoon-like hippopotamus that walked upright, directly influenced by the “Peter Potamus” cartoon character and firstly called Doctor Hippogippus to be later associated as Doctor Hippocampus in less vivid versions.

In my dream, he is apparently a “real” doctor (though still appears as cartoon-like) who makes house calls for people. He walks into the backyard of Cubitis neighbor Lisa M, walking upright and approaching from the east, from where the railroad tracks and mostly only weeds are in real life and carrying a black medical bag (with the initials M.D.) in his left “hand”. She stands with arms akimbo facing him as a large red question mark materializes over her head in a comic-strip like thought-balloon. Even though this scene is impossible in at least two ways, I do not even react to the thought balloon appearing over her head as a trigger for either doubt or lucidity - not to mention the cartoon somewhat anthropomorphic hippopotamus (everything else is rendered “realistically”).

He holds out his right “hand” to her as an offer to shake her hand and introduce himself. I am not sure how I know that his name is Hippogippus (in the first version of my dream) but it is just there in my false back story “memory”. I also am not sure of why my dream would have him come from the weedy area near the train tracks at first, though he does approach from the highway later on.

There are a few other scenes related to her being ill (possibly measles or chicken pox) and a scene where he walks into my carport from the driveway, though I never directly meet him in-dream to my knowledge. There is a vague in-dream focus on having to get up for school yet this still does not alert me to the fact I am dreaming.

In a later version of my dream (a few weeks later), the name turned into “Hippocampus” (the real name for an actual part of the human brain in the temporal lobe) and he was then a professor from a (assumed fictional) college (obvious play on “campus”) though he still seemed to have doctor-like attributes. This was possibly a more conscious focus to alter the original dream’s form (as “Hippogippus” made no sense to me) from having seen “Monster on the Campus” (1958) as well as talk in school of the intriguing coelacanth (a rediscovered “prehistoric” fish that also features as the plot device in the aforementioned movie).

The only existence of the word “Hippogippus” that I could find on the Internet was related to a poem by William Henry Furness in a possibly rare book from 1874. If I had seen this around that time, I do not recall it, though it is still possible there was a copy in my house. The related lines (apparently from “Tetra-chordon: A Pot Pourri of Rhythms and Prose”) are:

"For all good society is always on its very best behavior, sure.
For there was no concern whether your grey mare was black or sorrel,
So long as she had not the hippogippus, for that you cannot cure.
So well engaged that time passed away like a charm ;
There was nobody hurt, there was nobody to weep.“

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