over 8 years ago
hathor influence
holding in the light
rising above darkness
defending family
reggae music we made
vocals by wife zsuzsanna
“Hold in the Light” (Dream Product)

Original date: Night of April 10, 1994. Sunday.

As it seems YouTube no longer works with this site (I tried several ways), I can only include the other URL for the video:


As I cannot really relate music heard in a dream to text, I have decided to include an old video of some work we did years ago. The video itself was random scenes mostly from April 8th to April 9th (1994). It used to be linked to another entry years ago, but this has been uploaded to a different site.

In another entry, I will link five descriptive dreams (including from childhood) where I have made a simple sheet music format for them with the entry (although in this case, the music would be secondary, and also had only been ineffectively described previously).

It mostly related to a longer imagery-based dream that featured a variety of elaborate wedding cakes and ceremonies, including Hathor representations. The video mostly came from VHS (except for the boys at the end), hence the “striped” rendering from some copies (and not redone).

If listening on headphones (especially studio-quality monitors), make sure my Daion bass does not bust your eardrums. Thanks. Appreciated. (The track is unmastered though originally was on the old DMusic site when it was still up.) Sparse vocals by wife Zsuzsanna.

Hold in the light when the sun goes down

Defending family on solid ground…

holding in the light
dream dictionaries
rising above darkness
dream dictionaries
defending family
dream dictionaries
reggae music we made
dream dictionaries
vocals by wife zsuzsanna
dream dictionaries
hathor influence
dream dictionaries
theta b3.0
random dream...
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