over 8 years ago
awful-tasting jelly
reading on an airplane
making a beanie
acting out a paperback novel
Reading a Crime Novel on an Airplane

Morning of August 16, 2015. Sunday.

This is a reading dream at the beginning for the most part (atypical even for a reading dream as I am fully in-body and aware of my fully-rendered surroundings on the airplane), and as such, is somewhat stressful at first. If only I could “capture” and print what I read in dreams (excluding all the gibberish in some cases), I am sure it would be interesting, even perhaps revealing. In the first part of this dream, I read at least halfway through a paperback crime novel. I retain most of what I read for a few minutes after each page (enough to get a general idea of what the plot is about as well as the character traits) but eventually forget most of it. It concerns a jewel thief who escapes by traveling by jumbo jet to another country while meeting a female on the airplane he becomes interested in and he sees her again later on. She is a secretary that eventually goes to work for him. It is possible, of course, that some of the material is borrowed from a real detective novel I read years ago.

However, the paperback novel “comes to life” in some ways as an amateur play aboard the airplane; that is, I find at least two others (unknown) who I decide to act out the story with as our airplane takes off and flies to wherever we are going. (This is something I sometimes did in real life with others as a child when aboard the school bus.)

One of the other passengers (who mostly stands to my left - and I am seated on the right side of the airplane about the fourth seat back) that becomes involved is a young female who eventually seems wary about the nature of doing this as if she somehow thinks that movies or plays made from novels are filmed or performed exactly as they are; for example, if an actor plays someone who is killed, the actor will actually be killed at that point. This seems to be an extraordinarily ignorant belief, yet in my dream, it seems typical of ordinary people to hold such beliefs. She even comments on the nature of the jewel thief in the story and eventually decides to free herself of this little drama and return to her own seat, not being interested at all in anything that involves mystery or unresolved events of any kind. I am somewhat annoyed that the play was not completed, but my thoughts shift to other things.

After this, there is an idea that I need to make a beanie. The beanie will have a blue and white mandala design spreading over the center from the top down somewhat like a simplified spiderweb design. Another (unknown) female complains about my wanting to create the beanie (which I plan on finishing on the airplane before we land) from scratch and asks me why I do not just buy one. In some ways, this is a little like saying to someone who wants to learn to play guitar to just go out and buy a music CD or someone who wants to build a house just look at pictures of houses. At any rate, I explain to her how the design and creation has to be mine (similar to real life when I made a headband years ago in the late 1980s - it had to be a design directly from my dream). I start working on the beanie, but do not complete it before I wake.

Meanwhile, I am given an on-flight meal which ends up leaving a horrid sweet taste in my mouth after waking. It is some sort of serving-tray-sized clump of thicker reddish jelly or conserves that is not fresh and shaped somewhat like a land form relating to the Colorado Plateau. I do not want to eat it, but there is nothing else to eat so I eat most of it. I wake before the airplane lands.

reading on an airplane
dream dictionaries
making a beanie
dream dictionaries
acting out a paperback novel
dream dictionaries
awful-tasting jelly
dream dictionaries
theta b3.0
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