almost 10 years ago
This is one of the coolest dreams I

This is one of the coolest dreams I had, I was running along a dark field, with trees that looked like crab apple trees. The lighting was dark blue hue and the ground had a purple like hue. As U was running lightening would strike and I would become the lightening, It felt beautiful like the times when I was younger and I use to float out of my body when I would vibrate for long enough. After turning into lightening, I would go into the ground that felt cold and beautiful as wellI and I would rise out of the tree and feel its every part until my energy seeped out of its leaves and I hit the ground running, back into my human form, waiting for the next lightening bolt to become one with. It was like pure ecstasy, I was so powerful and happy. I never wanted it to end. I wasn't the only one too, the boy that I can never remember his face is there. The same one from my dream where I had to find the light, I will write below:

In that dream I was in charge of finding the light and so was this guy. I finally found it in the same concrete parking lot that I was in when I met a man with an important message. The light was in me all along and it was pink and beautiful and made me feel great. The guy was mad that he didn't find the light. I told him that it was inside of him and he pulled it out of his chest but it was a dark floaty cloud of smoke, as oppose to mine which was pink, hazy and relaxed like fog. He wasn't impressed with his so he tried to steal mine and I was really heart broken. I tried to remind him that we needed to save the world and that the guardians were depending on us for it. I ended up having to go alone and they put me in a pod. The pod took me to space and the darkness was coming towards the earth. It was liket the darkness that was eating planets from The Silver Surfer fantastic 4 movie. The pod broke and my light was only the size of my palms. The guardians told me telepathically that the light was as big as my might. And thats when the pink beautiful light swallowed the darkness. I woke up feeling like I did something really good.

The next dream I had was of me and a few families and a friend. We were in a place that sort of reminded me of Miami from Vice City. I brought my friend to sun-gaze at the sunrise with me. I explained to them how good it was for the soul. The sun came up really fast and it looked a lot bigger than usual. I could see the suns fire and a twirl of it was coming our way. It hit the ocean and spread across the sea. Everyone screamed and I grabbed my friend who couldn't look away. We ran towards the closest place.
At that point the world was ending and crazy people were already running around looking for food. We had a bunch and we hid it upstairs. Somehow someone broke into our place upstairs, we ran up and all that was there was the family who was staying downstairs kid. He was shot in the back of the neck and stabbed up. I tried to get the parents intention, almost hesitant to show them their kid who looked like he would surely die. Then rhei was there. He got shot in the leg. I dug in my purse for my tweezers and he got mad and said they were too small and pulled out his own set. I was about to pull the bullet out for him but the a crazy bald guy came out of nowwhere. He was muscular and had ugly teeth with a crazy grin and crazy eyes. He had a small dagger and he tried to stab me. He came close a couple times. I stabbed him a bunch and started to wonder why he wasn't dying. He suddenly realized he was really hurt and layed on the ground. I got up to check on rhei and kid. In the back of my head I was thinking I should check to make sure he is really dead. He got up and tried killing me again. Lion showed up and we ran to a place where large projector screens were hanging on the wall. A projector turned on and was telling me about how my symbol was the cat. They showed a golden chinese cat with one paw in the air. (not sure what this means). They really wanted me to know this. The other screens had galaxy pictures, can't really remember, but my mom was there too.

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