9 years ago
Dark Shadow/Red Headed Woman/Land

I wasn't even asleep for 5 minutes, I found myself on the street near my house down a couple blocks. It was very dark, unusually dark. I was walking alone, there was tents set up on the street, like they were getting ready for a festival. Suddenly a dark shadow runs towards me, as I see it, I hope that it is my partner. It's almost shaped like him. Then it jumps to grab me and I wake up screaming. I have only woken up screaming twice from the dream. The one where I got hurt from a headless woman, and this one. I felt like I was astral projecting in this one and that one.

Then I got kidnapped again by the red headed woman from another dream, "Trying to Meet God-Lucid Dream into Astral Realm". This time we were in a forest. She shot people who tried to escape, one group of men tried to escape and she blew up the car. I almost saved them but didn't get there in time. Again, this woman was very manipulative, she was fat and started to bake food for everyone. She started to be nice to people and feed them really good cookies. They were slowly forgetting how messed up she was. I went to the kitchen (which was oddly in a forest) and saw some cookies there. I figured since she is acting nice to everyone I could take one. There was chocolate chip cookies and a little bit of white chocolate chip cookies. I went to grab them and she got mad at me. She said I can only eat them when she says it's time. I thought about stealing one because I was getting so hungry and weak. She called us all to a group. There wasn't many of us left it seemed, before there must have been around 20, and now there was 7. We sat down in the grass, around what looked like a grave with stones scattered about it and some rope to keep us off the mound. She started to chant or whatever and everyone was joining her except me. A big sink hole happened right beside me, I started to fall in and screamed for help. They kept chanting and nobody would listen to my cries. I said it's a sink hole! The red head opened her eyes, got up and said "It's not a sink hole you f%$#$ idiot." I looked over and it definitely went pretty deep. I was holding on with one arm, my left arm. The piles of dirt were falling into my mouth. After she said that I mustered up the strength, fed up of her, I pulled myself up and coughed up a heaps of dirt. I felt a little more confidence now and I had enough with being trapped there. I cleaned up and started talking to the others. She was bragging about how nice she was and how good of friends they were. I screamed at them, trying to remind her that she killed people, this woman I will call Anja because she looked like one. She looked as though she did not hear that and then I said, if we try to escape, she will kill us right away. Someone heard that as they were walking by and joined the conversation. Now they seemed to start to remember but were still doubtful. They started a commotion, and I decided to escape. So I left, this time the ones chasing me were wearing gas masks and blue suits. I jumped in the water and swam, dunked in incase they noticed me. I got to the end of the dock where the land was and heard voices. I thought they were coming from above the dock but they were right behind me. There stood a fat man with the mechanic suit. By the time I hit the land I knew I was in a dream. So staying in the dream I took matters into my own hands. I took his gas mask and looked at him the eye. Telepathically I told him to listen to me. Behind him was my first ex, he looked strange, with blue eyes. I looked into his eyes to and told him to stand behind the man, while he leaned on a ladder.

Suddenly I woke up, but I wasn't in this world. I was in this other place, Anja was there looking rather aimless and confused. I went up to her and I recognized more people from the group. I brought them together and I reminded them of the dream. Anja agreed and remembered to and so did everyone else. I asked them questions, one of them being how did we get kidnapped. She said we were in a building, in a bank. I immediately remembered all the things she was saying about our time at the forest. She agreed that we were there for a week. As soon as I ran out of questions I woke up again.


This dream was a lot more pleasant. I drew buildings and they came to life on the land. My family came and I explained to them the different houses. One was made of all oak, the other was red with white trimmings and so was the other one. I said this is our house and this one is the plants home. The next one I cannot remember, I think it was more places to stay. So I went inside to see what they looked like, I fixed the kitchen with nice trimmings, my partner appeared and said it didn't look good, so I explained to him that it did. Then I was curious about what the bathrooms looked like. I was disappointed because I wanted a large round tub, but all we had was shallow tubs.


1.) My partner had a dream about murders, he was in a car with his friend and fur and body parts were falling from the sky which led him to believe the air was bad.

2.) I had a drink if my water and it tasted burnt

3.) Second time chocolate chip cookies appear in my dream and I like them a lot, I don't like them in real life that much at all.

4.) I was at a bank yesterday, they said they would hold my cheque for 7 days, I felt really sick there and anxious.I couldn't breath. It was like that whole section of the bank had no air circulation.

5.) This song came on while I was typing my dream: https://youtu.be/_4H6MOPnS5k
It reminds me of how being at the bank and signing your name away is said to be bad, because you are signing a part of yourself away into debt. Standing in line at the bank is not a good experience for anyone, my partner said to me this morning. It makes you wonder why...

6.) my left arm that I used to pull me up from the sink hole hurt when I woke up. It is the hand I use to serve in my restaurant.

April 9th 2015

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