over 8 years ago
Visitor of Light-Sleep Paralysis

Aug 15 2015
It first began with a dream that I was hanging out with some friends. We cruised around in a ride for a bit and munched out. We stopped at a store/gas station looking place. They went inside and my friend placed a slab of old looking meat on the counter. She complained about it and left it there. I stared at it, thinking what waste. I asked for a plastic bag and packaged it up. Then all the sudden I was at another friend of ours place. We were at a park and we had our dogs on a leash. It was my old dog that my ex gave away on me. He was fat and running around with the other dog, getting tangled up. Suddenly a old lady comes with her rotty. Her dog is ferocious and clearly wants to kill our dogs. She is covered in black chains that are tied to the dog. She apologizes for her dogs, and goes on to say that she doesn't care what anyone says, if she didn't have the chains, he would escape her and wreak havoc. We eventually get the dogs resettled and she moves on. Her dog seemed to look pretty nice as they were walking away.

Then an old man came by. He pulled out all these silver and gold thin art pieces. Like stencils, they were hollow. They were very pretty. It appeared that my friend corey and him collaborated on transforming his western art into Haida art. One piece was a whale fin, the others were stuff like lungs and nose bridges. He began to talk about how some places of the world look like lungs and other parts of the body. He seemed like quite an eccentric man. The art work was very nice however.

I went back inside and found the meat in the bag. I cut it into thin sliced and grabbed a jar and filled it with sand. I lit a small fire and added water to the sand and started to steam it. I really have no idea why I did this but I did. When I came back to look at it. Someone shook the jar and the meat was all sandy. I figured I will just rinse it off. I began to cut the rest and into strips and marinate it.

I found a mini heart cushion the size of my hand and I knew a friend had sown it. Again without thinking, I chopped the top right part of it off. Inside was this strange brown stuff, that kind of looked like crap. I threw it into the sandy meat. He saw and I got into trouble. But I didn't care.

I woke up.

I saw a toilet flipped on it's side towards my head. I giggled, half asleep and was worried a little that I slept near my phone and that the toilet would affect it somehow.

I woke up again.

The room was so dark. I felt something jump on the bed and walk around. Half asleep I shrugged it off as Pete. But I remembered I didn't live in that house anymore and this thing was coming towards me. I felt my blanket crease in and out as the thing was slowly making it's way. Breathing heavily. It rested on my shoulder. I was scared but I saw a beautiful white and blue light reflecting onto the wall in front of me. It had the shape of my dog Buford. I said his name, Buford? and woke up and it was day time.

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