over 8 years ago
Death, Cat, Full Moon and Demon

It started with me walking down the street with a very old friend of mine. He said his Dad was going to pick us up. I was feeling a little nervous, because I hadn't spoken to him in some time and hated him. I was not sure why I was even hanging out with him but I was. We walked down the streets and there was signs along the sidewalk. They would fall down and then my friend would pick them back up. I thought that was unusual for him to do since he was never the type of person to be considerate of anything. Then I knocked one down, and as I was picking it back up, he turned around and said, "My Dad is over here!". So we went down the block and there he was parked. We drove along a coast line somewhere and there was helicopters flying around very close to the ocean. We could see that they were carrying green flags. They were having canoe races along the shore where they had to collect these green flags. He parked the car and we got out at a dock. We jumped into a float plane and his Dad had this daring look on his face. He started to fly us around the dock, I saw what looked like bull kelp in the water and he ducked towards it. I immediately knew that this was too sharp of a turn and we hit the water. We went in very deep. Everything went black to murky green, then black again. I couldn't breath, nor move anything. My lungs were filled with water, it didn't hurt too much since it happened so fast but it was very uncomfortable. Then I heard a beep, like the one you hear at hospitals. I heard the paddles that they use to revive people. And a jolt hit my chest. I woke up.

I heard someone get up out of my sisters bed and walk in the hallway. I heard some voices all at once, they sounded familiar. A cat jumped on my bed, with a dark shadow hovering over. I could only see the cats shadow crawling towards me as I was laying on my right side. Suddenly it turned into a demon like creature, or at least one appeared. It was skinny and rotten. Its body was a lot like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. It whispered something in a weird language into my left ear as I was turned away from it. It stretched its hand out in front of my face. It's fingers were and skinny and his nails were rotten. I was pretty scared but not too much. I tried to see if I could move, but I could only rock back and forth. Then I laid still, and he was still, almost a little cautious. I turned around quickly and yelled at him to "F$#$ off!", in the meanest way I could. He was gone and I woke up fully.

I was a little worried because I knew during the last full moon, I had the scary experience in the lower realms. My mom happened to bring a copper bracelet over that belongs to my friend. I put my copper bracelet on and his before bed, because the Haida believe it protects you from supernatural beings. This being was not touching me directly since there was a blanket between us. It's hand was extended over my head, but that was it. So maybe it worked or maybe it didn't. But when I woke up, my wrists burned where the copper bracelets were and my left side feels a little weak.

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