over 12 years ago
walking on water, baby tigers, pumas

i was getting off work, it was a normal day
i wanted to get some shoes at the Puma store
for some reason the only one around (or open) was one in Bremerton
so i deceided to go!

instead of taking a ferry, i walked across the water (which was less wide in the dream than in real life)...
there was a make shift mini floating bridge across the water made of wood,
and the bridge was literally like right on the water so almost like i was walking on supported water ;)
the bridge was kind of coming apart i thought, it didn't seem like it could hold too much weight at once..
so i am barefoot, my feet are getting wet as i walking across this bridge..
i pass a few guys who make me feel a little unsettled,
as we get closer to each other (going opposite directions) i feel vulnerable for just a moment..as if for some reason they want to throw me in the water or something, which i would have no control over (the bridge was quite narrow and wobbly)
after passing the guys, there is break in the bridge and you have to jump a little ways to get to the next part...finally i make it across and i'm ready for my shoes!

i reach a multi story building and outside the building there is some mid-evil carnival/festival thing going on...i ask someone where the Puma store is and they direct me inside..i'm still puzzled, no stores on this level..
so i go up to floor 2 and no one is there but a lady and her toddler son, she offers me help and i tell her I'm on the hunt for shoes...
she pulls out a coupon for the Puma store and offers it to me! wow! what a nice gesture from a stranger, i think..
i take the coupon, thank her and go to the 4th floor...
i realize the coupon is for 'men's shoes only'...and i figure i may be able to find a mens/womens shoe that fits fine

i get inside the store and it's crazy busy!
luckily they will probably miss the fact that i don't have on any shoes! ha!
i get a sales guy to help, he seems stressed/busy, it's the end of the day...
i tell him size 6 womens and show the coupon, after trying on many different sizes and colors i find the right ones...he says he will override the coupon (b/c they aren't men's afterall) and make the discount still apply! yay! i also consider buying some candles on sale..and they deciede not to.

upon leaving, i run into my new friend emanuel, as well as my old friend kellie lunde from highschool...she has a crush on him it seems, although he seems to be into me...which puts us all in an akwkward position...

first we are hanging out at her house with him and a few others...jealousy arises as he is paying more attention to me....i act passive and see what happens, she starts to get mad at me but i laugh it off...

we all head to a mini zoo place that just kind of wraps around in a circle, from start to finish, it's all a circle...
we are at the beginning, moving slowly, observing animals, birds and just hanging out by this sandy area, i think there was water nearby too...
suddenly i see a leopard spotted cheetah (that's what it was called in the dream)..
he is coming out of a cave and we all fill with fear, knowing those are the dangerous creatures at this zoo and he will want to hunt us (there are no bars/windows/protection, so it's different from a zoo)
we all start running up this hill, passing all the other animals..we figure if we make the loop around to get out, it will be safer than going back through the entrance and risking the leopard see us...so we take the long way
people are folding silverware as we are running around,
this must be for their job or something...multi tasking..
we make it around the zoo and realize the leopard was only a baby
and babies are not harmful, so we laugh at ourselves and realize we acted hastily

it's the to go back across the water, Kellie was going to give me a ride but she's mad so now I act Emanuel to and he's fine with that...i grab my bag from car as well as some corn i must have recently purchased..Jeremy is calling wondering where I am

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