13 years ago
out of body experience
lucid dream
Supernatural Lucid Dreams

Happy Spring Equinox! Something particularly noteworthy happened one evening near the end of January when I was laying in bed talking to God. Earlier in the day I had asked to please be given a spiritual experience, like the prophets of old were, and as I lay there in bed that evening, I continued praying that I would be shown the spirit realm. I was still praying when I heard a voice communicate directly to my brain, “Look towards the door.”

I turned my head to the right and watched as my bedroom door silently opened and a small dark personage about three feet tall moved slowly into my room, without any visible stride, as though it was on one of those people conveyor belts at the airport. I immediately recognized that I felt no fear, but wondered momentarily if this was an alien and what was going to happen to me now.

I didn’t move a muscle but continued to look right at this small being as it made its way to the side of my bed. In the dim light of the room, I could see plainly that it did not appear to look like an alien, but like the shadow of a small child. I noted that I could make out no facial features; no eyes, no nose, no mouth.

As the creature stood before me – even as soon as it reached my bedside – through the door came something behind it, like a huge pipe coming down and out of the ceiling, at least two feet in diameter. The pipe followed the path of the small creature until it came to rest immediately above me. As I lay there, intentionally not moving lest I disturb the vision in any way, I began to rise up out of the bed and towards the ceiling. The pipe seemed to be magnetizing me out of my physical body, and completely without fear, I remained still and savored the experience of rising through the room.

Once I passed through the ceiling, I was immediately in some kind of round spinning orb with my brother. It was like a giant hamster ball full of lights, and it tumbled around like a roller coaster. I closed my eyes and saw images of people assembling and various earthly things projected onto my mind and I noticed the absence of any emotional reaction. Then, suddenly, I lost consciousness and the next thing I knew it was morning and I woke up utterly exhausted as though I hadn’t slept at all. I wish I could remember what else happened!

But for the record, I’ve had a whole lot of experiences very much like the one I just described – only minus the part about the little faceless being. That was freaking weird.

Most of the time when I lucid dream, I hear and feel the wind, or sometimes it’s more like a whirring sensation, right before my body begins vibrating very rapidly. Then I’ll either fall out of my body, like free falling from an airplane, or I’ll rise up and out of my body, into the lucid dreamscape. And I’m conscious and aware the whole time that this is happening. At this point, there’s not yet the experience of falling asleep – although that occasionally happens somewhere in the middle of the lucid dream. During the primary astral transition, however, I go from a fully conscious state of being awake to a fully conscious state of seeing and existing in some kind of hyperdimensional plane.

Sometimes I’ll not only feel the vibrations whirring through my body as the astral separates from the physical, but I’ll also feel someone crawling up onto the bed where I am. The sense of a presence is very real, and it used to scare the living daylights out of me, to the point where I would jump out of bed screaming “help, help!” and the experience would dissipate. But while reading ancient Hebrew scriptures, I realized that the prophets were often fearful when they encountered beings in the spirit realm, so I stopped fearing and let the visions carry me off.

Gosh, I’d be bored if I didn’t have myself to play with!

out of body experience
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