over 13 years ago
quantum physics
create reality
lucid dream
The (Quantum) Field of Dreams

i often had visions across the beyond
sometimes at will yet never for long
til the strangest thing happened
(it’s hard to explain)
it’s like there’s a modem attached to my brain:
now I’m downloading songs without having to think
like they’re written in pure biochemical ink
“open your mind, let the thoughts come aboard!”
sings the octopus sucked to my satellite switchboard

FACT: We can influence changes in the world around us by simple observation and conscious thought. In other words, when focused properly, our imaginations are capable of co-creating this reality as it unfolds before our eyes. And if we control our imaginations, we can consciously create our realities.

It’s like lucid dreaming… my first real addiction. When I was a kid, I could hardly wait for bedtime, because that was when the fun began. Sleep held my backstage pass to the mysterious interdimensional labyrinth of infinite possibilities. I could pop in and out of interwoven planes of existence doing what kids do best: flying, vanquishing monsters, molding time and space, and experiencing the grandest and most awesome natural wonders of uninhabited planets… including earth, and not just the one you’re living on.

By eight years old I had mastered the art of lucid dreaming in a sleeping state, but I knew there had to be more vistas of manifestation to conquer. Like Waking World Manifestation. At first it was just a hunch since everyone seemed to go out of their way to distinguish the sleeping world of dreams from the “real” world of jobs and taxes and traffic and second opinions. But my instincts told me these two seemingly separate worlds were like the top and bottom halves of a fraction; none was more real than the other, because to look at them independently was to take them out of context. Only I didn’t say it like that at eight. But I believed it to be true.

So the next step seemed obvious: if I can manifest reality on this side of the fraction, I can manifest it on the other side as well. But how? And this is where it seemed complicated. Did the manifestations in my dreams have tangible equivalents on the other side of the fraction bar? Or was all this like a big cosmic playground, a rehearsal stage, if you will, for the evolving god?

I thought about infinity and could come to no conclusion. And then something happened. Something that changed my life forever. I began to remember. I remembered the way I rose up out of my body like a helium balloon and saw myself dead, over and over in lives that flitted by like single processes in a much larger script. I remembered the feeling of freedom that exists outside of matter, when we were perfect musical pitches in the symphony of eternity. I remembered the inexplicable ecstasy of unlocking the very first thought, and the blinding awe of light being born. I remembered the insatiable desire to follow the light, unlocking every hidden door in the fabric of eternity in pursuit of it. I remembered the inexplicable exhilaration of taking form to contain it. I remembered how my sense of self, of Source, diminished as the thoughts we had loosed multiplied exponentially, breaking the light into smaller and smaller fractions, into shattering infinitesimal scintillations, until all that was left of Our Light was the sparkle in your eyes.

Do you feel me?

I remembered the way the earth looked before we got here. I remembered what I was looking for. What I was doing here. Where I was going. And I suddenly knew that we already had created all of this. And we were going to keep creating it over and over again, the same way forever, unless and until we redirected our focus and adjusted our intention. At eight years old, in a split second of absolute peace, I re-discovered god, and met myself for the first time, all over again.

You should try it sometime. Consider the possibilities.

You know, quantum physics is awesome because it’s all about possibilities. And not just possibilities, but infinite possibilities! Once we swallow the concept of infinity (like a mind-bending psychedelic that blows our reality open), we realize there is a possibility out there for everything and every combination of things, even the ones we can’t possibly imagine. They all exist simultaneously until we decide what to call into existence with the supernatural power of our imaginations. By imagining something, we toggle the possibility into existence; and by completely believing in the possibility, acting in accordance with that belief, and producing brain waves that create a holographic matrix wherein it exists as fact, we can walk through it, right to the other side where it’s always been that way.

In other words, we have the power to make things happen, to will things into patterns of behavior, and even into existence. We have the power to manifest reality itself! All we have to do is believe.

Sure, we’ve heard it a thousand times before: “If you can imagine it, you can do it.” But have you ever let it sink in? Sure, someone may say, of course I can do anything… if I have enough money, and the right job, and all the right friends, and tons of good luck and perfect timing… and on and on and on.

But those are just excuses people make up because they’re too scared to command their own imaginations. They’re scared of society, of god, of being wrong. Instead of telling their minds what to believe and seeding the quantum field with their belief, they let other people’s thoughts tell them what’s what. Don’t let other people’s fears freak you out. Don’t let your own fears control you.

The TRUTH is that you are the master of your destiny, the captain of a fleet of possibilities. And the best part is that this is not a bunch of psychobabble or fanatical religious mumbo-jumbo; it’s just simply the truth. Even a eight year old can understand it. And if you listen, it’ll tell you that this reality we live in, with all its rules and boundaries and limitations, is just one possible reality. You can check out any time you like. Just find the frequency.

Dreaming is not enough. You have to go a step further and use your imagination to visualize, with intent. Purify yourself. Cast out your fears. Cleanse yourself of your limitations. Forget everything you’ve ever been taught, and believe it will happen, just as you imagined it. That’s how Jesus walked on water. That’s the secret. That’s the mystery of life.

But don’t take my word for it. Figure it out for yourself, and make up your own mind.

“To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the Illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with lights.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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quantum physics
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