over 13 years ago
trippin face, anythin but free


"friends" had bought a big charter bus.. {Rion & Michael & Java..and such}
We were riding thru the city... for forgotten reason I am restrained by a bounty hunter type.. laid on my back and administered an experimental drug. VERY potent liquid that this person "taps" onto my thrid eye. it absorbs that way, and they let the restraints free and i TRIP MY FACE OFF... for what feels like forever. very dissociative.
at some point it is time to restrain me again.. and Michael wants to know how the drug has affected me. I look around this circle of people i thought were my friends, and somehow someone.. (the bounty man??) lets it out that they had fed me some kind of dirty methanfedamine trial street drug. Michael was like, "awe man,, she's not supposed to know bout that"... and its hard to explain how deeply this affected me, but i was still super messed up and felt so betrayed and helpless that i started crying and woke up sobbing,, (joshua woke me up actually, saying "baby, its just a dream! wake up")
~~~ Later, similar but alternate reality... I have chains on my ankles and have to carry the weights so i can walk. (like ol skool ball 'n chain) I have somehow escaped imprisonment and found my way back to home that isnt really home. I am at the window looking in, and have a friend with me (sarah/becky?) I am concerned with how i will be received,, as a fugitive.
Resting in the basement, most of the busy house has gone out... I explore,, find the water heater and have a moment with that... seems weird, but i am fascinated with the mechanics of it, and can see its insides and how the water travels thru it, and how the energy heats the tiny molecules of H2O, and it pipes like veins in the house... random. I find some hand made chocolate sampler that looks divine, my mouth waters for it, but it tastes like paper.. Then,, gettin weird here.. There is a baby in the house, and these people are compelled to perform some kind of experiment on it. They are trying to avoid detection by some covert govt agency they once belonged to, and i witness all this like a fly on the wall. The baby is strapped down and drugged, one of the scientists is shooting drugs into his arm as well to numb it, test it?,, I keep thinking the mother will be home any minute, and this looks bad, but i am fairly certain they are helping the baby somehow. It has two cylinders implanted into its forehead... When the mother returns, the baby is resting and has padding on her head,.. The scientist is at a loss for words to describe what they were doing (it was secret?) but he eventually unwraps the baby's head and tells her they have balanced out her head and she is a healthy little girl now. The cathodes are gone, but there are two circular owies on her forehead. The mother is overjoyed and thanks them profusely.
~~~ I am resting on some pillows with my mom. She hands me a package and says its from chad, that he is concerned about my kitty. I open this up... it is like a handmade book, and every page has a little envelope to unwrap and open. It is all so ornate and beautiful. Each little card is a sweet note about something.. he is sympathizing about my kitties i've lost... and one of them is kind of hard to read, but he tells me that he has never thought my husband was good for me. This gives me a funny feeling,, and i dont show joshua, but i ask him something about Waverly (as some sort of test) and he says terrible things about her.. that she is an ugly stupid cat that didnt deserve us as humans. and this upset me a lot, so i return to the book for console.
~~~ at the Rough & Ready post office of sorts... I am handed my mail thru the window, but one of the locker keys falls on the ground, so i stoop down to pick it up. I find all sorts of treasure down there, and compile it all on the table... jewels and carvings and precious things... I find my trinity ring as well but its squished.
~~~ (remembering earlier in the dream,,, Leah Santa Lucia is showing me all her diggs in a jewelry cabinet.. there is one piece that stands out,, i have seen it before.. (drew picture)
~~~briefly now I am at a Burning man type event, but there is snow on the ground! The woman driving out art car is telling me how her daughter in grade 6 is having a baby! I see huge awesome art car sleds zipping over the snowy hills..

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