13 years ago
The Bears

When it begins I am standing on the edge of a large wooded area. As far as I can see to my left are rolling hills of vibrant green grass. To my right, enormous trees cluster and extend their tops into a tight canopy of dense dark green.

My vision fixes itself on something bright white and climbing up one of the trees. After a moment I realize that it is a rather large bear, sprinting to the tops of the trees and pulling down leaves and branches as it goes. I lose sight of him for a while then hear several breaking branches very close to me. Upon looking up I see the bear start to fall for what seems several hundred feet. He hits the ground with a loud thud. I run around the edge of the woods, being sure to stay in the fielded area, in hopes of investigating the bear. When I finally make my way around the woods and stop, I see two bears. The first is the large white one, apparently okay from it's fall. The second is a smaller black one, whose eyes glow a faint white. At that instance both bears look up and at me. Despite the beauty of these animals I begin to panic. Slowly I move away from the edge of the woods.

I turn around and realize that the once rolling fields have been replaced with my grandmother's house, and I'm now standing in its backyard. I make my way around the house, burst through the front door, and look for my grandmother. After locking the door and realizing she is nowhere to be found, I make my way through the kitchen and into the pantry. Checking to see if the side door is also locked. At this point I see the black bear making its way around the side of the house. I run back towards the front door and notice that it is ajar. Frightful that one of the animals has entered the home I shut and lock the door and move deeper into the house.

In one of the back rooms I hear someone talking. Upon entering the room I see my grandmother sitting on the edge of the bed. The large white bear is sitting in front of her. I scramble towards the bear, grab it by the neck, and begin pulling it towards the front door. The animal doesn't seem to mind any of this and comes along much like a large white dog.

When I finally get the white bear out the front door I turn around to see my grandmother smiling at me. We don't really seen interested in exchanging words. She simply continues to smile at me as I hear a loud thud from the front door. I turn around to see the two bears standing on the back feet, pushing against the door with their massive paws. As the door begins to give in from their pressure the foundation around the door frame starts to crack in a rigid line outline the frame. A bright white light seems in through the cracks. I can hear the door giving in further as the bears continue to push against it. Running towards the bending door to brace it.

As soon as I press my arms against the door to support it the black bears paw slips through the cracked foundation and rakes against my back. I can feel its claws painlessly tearing into my as the black bear begins to speak, "See? I told you it's flesh would be soft," it says in a wise sounding voice. I turn back towards my grandmother and ask her if she has any bear repellent. Immediately she says, "No." The black bear retracts its claw from the the crack in the foundation, but each of the animals continue to push against the still bending door.

Suddenly I am outside of the house, standing near my vehicle. The bears are now inside the house. Going about through the kitchen. I tell my grandmother to get into the car so we can go create this bear repellent and get the bears out of the house. Within moments I am driving down the road with her. The road rests between two low mountains. Its a place I remember from childhood. I have rolled my window down and see a biker riding very close beside me. He swerves towards me and sticks his arm into through the window and holds onto the door frame. Using my vehicle to maintain speed. He only holds on for a moment before letting go and falling back behind me. In my frustration about this I pick up some sort of red tool from the floor of my car and throw it out the window.

The next moment I am climbing up a hill towards what appears to be a yard sale in front of a grocery store. There are several multicolored tanks of liquid placed around several tables. These containers, once combined, will be enough to make the bear repellent. I approach a man about purchasing some and he hands me an arousal container, stating that this will work to get rid of bears. I leave the yard market, begin to walk down the hill, and notice that there are several other cars parked near mine.

Then I wake up.

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