over 11 years ago

I've been using this stone a lot lately. I'm finding myself reading a lot more than usual and this stone helps project what I've just learned or remembered. (which hasn't always been the case for me). I tend to understand the lesson, but relaying it back articulately has not always been an easy job for me.

Dumortierite meaning

This stone acts as an aid to your mental capabilities in overcoming tough situations. It opens the third eye chakra to enhance mental (and emotional) intelligence.
Learning Stone

Dumortierite promotes mental discipline especially in regard to learning new things. Students find it useful when they are required to take in large amounts of data over short periods of time, because it aids memory.
Vision Stone

Meditate or sleep with dumortierite to stimulate psychic or prophetic vision if you are gifted.
This stone is most frequently seen with a" blue jean blue" coloring, but also comes in violet or pinkish brown.
Metaphysical Properties

Promotes accomplishments, positive attitude, courage, trust, harmony, and helps us cope with panic and fear.

Dumortierite enhances organizational abilities, including precision, self discipline and the ability to organize. Helps us become more businesslike, systematic, tidy and methodical.

If you own a business, the stone may help you better organize files, procedures and even your thought processes in evaluating what's best for your company.

Dumortierite will also provide you with more strength and courage to assert your true potential and help you vocalize your abilities to others. "To sell yourself."

It highly reduces difficulties of scattered mind and disorganization. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat Chakra and enhancing communication between lower chakras/physical energy and the higher chakras/mental/spiritual energy.

In addition, it encourages one to see and accept reality, and react to it in an intelligent manner in one's own behalf.

Dumortierite is a popular stone for opening the Third Eye (one of your psychic zones)
Dumortierite is excellent for opening up communication with your Angels and Spirit Guides.

It will assist you in communicating spiritual concepts to others and better understanding unusual or mystical events you experience.
Eliminates stubbornness while still allowing one to stand up for oneself in the right causes. Are you reluctant to speak out when you are subjected to poor treatment or even abusive circumstances? Dumortierite would be a great companion stone for you. It will teach you to stand your ground, stand up for your rights without being perceived as simply stubborn or whiney. Good career stone for women.

Dumortierite is a great stone for healers as an aid in diagnosing health problems. It can illuminate the base issues and true causes of an illness so the healer is better able to treat the individual.
Stamina: Inner strength when all around you in is turmoil. Very good stone for crisis intervention people, ambulance workers, doctors and nurses. This is a good stone to carry during dramatic events. It provides you with the endurance to get through what is happening, promotes self-discipline so that you can respond appropriately and can provide a sense of calm to others as chaos erupts around you.
Patience and Tolerance: Gives you the ability to see the value and worth in all humans regardless of outside appearances.
Reduces excitability and hyperactivity

Blue to Violet stimulates communication and verbalization of spiritual ideas
Pink to Brown: Provided grounding in relationships while they try to clear out differences and unsettle areas in your relationships.


Blue to Violet and Pink to Brown.
Physical Healing Properties:

Aids healing in the areas of nausea, vomiting, cramps, colic, diarrhea, skin irritations, epilepsy, headaches and addictions by releasing toxins from the body.

Diminishes wasting disorders, helps provide stamina and strength for those dealing with the condition of chronic disease and may even provide insight into the basis of the condition in order to help understand and correct the cause.

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