over 13 years ago
no money
lake managua
row boat
holy grail
central america
Lake Managua & the city of Fullfillmentocracy

Last night dreamed of diving & rowing a boat in a lake in Central America. Upon looking it up, I found it (in real life) to be Lake Managua in Nicaragua. A place i have never been.

The dream began with me swimming and diving in the lake, and then coming up to shore, towel drying myself off, and pulling up my row boat. I began rowing across the lake to see what was on the other side. As I was rowing, I passed my (real life) old friend J. in another boat. He rowed over and we began talking about how our music careers were going. We eventually turned around and rowed all the way back to the original side, where he found an outlet that lead to a river he wanted to go explore and I found a new shore to the lake to check out, and so we parted ways.

The lake became shallow as I rode up to the new shore and docked my boat. There was a city there, and something about The Holy Grail I cannot recall.

I walked through the streets, and got into a conversation with an older man with a long beard sitting near the entrance to the city. He told me that in this city, money did not exist & everything was free, but everyone stayed working because if you had no job, one would be assigned to you by the government. No one really wanted the assigned jobs, so people competed for jobs that made them happy.

Everyone had everything they needed because the culture kept making it (since there were still jobs) and everyone could have it (since there was no money) depending on the amount of whatever it was, of course. So that solved the food & shelter issue.

Everyone was still working, and the govt. still had quite a bit of control over ensuring the fundamentals were there - ie. the fact that they assigned jobs to people who went too long without jobs, like repairing the roads, or working in their office, or various jobs in sanitation (that was the assigned job I saw in my dream). But if you were hired for another job during that time, you could switch to that. So there were still a lot of parallel things, like unemployment time, and even disability (ie. proving you were eligible to not work) if you were unable to work due to health issues.

There was still paperwork and processes (but much less), but there was no money, so everyone could afford whatever they needed. And since everyone had to work, people would compete for the jobs that would make them the happiest, or create their own (which you’d still have to prove to the “government”, or whatever the powers that be were, by sending in reports on it).

The culture didn't seem that different from ours, just healthier and less angry. And for some reason, on the shores of this lake in Central America....

dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
central america
dream dictionaries
lake managua
dream dictionaries
row boat
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
no money
dream dictionaries
holy grail
dream dictionaries
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