over 13 years ago
tribal jewelry
trailor park
green grass
waiting tables
snake tatooed arms
spherical time
soccer ball
The Restaurant of Spherical Time and the Giant Planet of Rain

Dreamed I had the ability to see the past, present, future, and all possibilities of existence at once. Time took on a spherical perspective for me, rather than a linear timeline, and I could choose to pin point my attention on any given moment of existence, or even of a dream in someone else's mind. It seemed all reality was indeed made of collective human imagination.

I was told by a subconscious voice that a man was seeking me. I chose a restaurant for him to find me. Something about the world was different, however. It seemed something had been forgotten in the collective consciousness. There was an illusory disconnect from Source or spirit, or some essence missing.

A woman in the restaurant tells me to look busy, and suddenly I am waiting tables to hide my true identity. Then I see the man walk through a door at the far corner of the room. His build is strong and he has a large stature. He's wearing some sort of tribal jewelry, though he looks Caucasian with dark brown, short hair and a possibly a snake(?) wrapped around or tattooed on his arms.

He finds me right away and we sit at a far table. I don't yet know if he can sense that I can see time spherically. He tells me he sees that something has been forgotten in collective memory, and that if it is not remembered soon, we'll run out of time because he can see time is moving faster. I try to tell him that it is our thoughts which are moving faster, and that time, and all reality, is all only what we imagine it to be. I want to tell him that all time is happening at once, right then. That the only true time is that very second, and all the rest a dream...I tell him that the future is make believe, as is the past because we imagine the future and remember the past differently every day. But he thinks something is changing, he's overwhelmed with dreams (hallucinations?) and tells me that someone is coming to remind us of what we lost. He then whispers something to the bartender. I think he orders a drink.

I tell him someone is already here, it is Source inside us, that it is me and it is you. I think he drinks something and doesn't recognize me anymore, or he looks at me in the eyes for the first time. He leans in and says "wait wait wait... it's you?.."

The dream changes. I'm outside on a desert hill, watching something in the night sky. It looks like a large planet, but it's growing larger, and then it starts to rain even though the sky is clear. The rain springs forth green grass, and I realize I'm in the middle of an Apocalypse/rebirth situation of some sort. I watch the water pool on the packed desert ground, erupting grass blades as it moves over it, and begin to run off into sparkling streams that pool along trailor parks at the bottom of the hill. The people in the park are fighting with eachother, and don't notice the giant planet, or the magic glistening streams of water. Then they begin to throw plastic garbage bags into the water. Out of one bag rolls a dirty soccer ball. A sphere...

I then remember that I once knew something important about reality, and time, but try as I might, it doesn't come back to me. But I'm telling someone next to me now that it was an important dream, and that I need to remember it, so we try to jot it down on a piece of paper - taking different elements and arranging them mathematically in different ways to no avail, at which point the dream ends.

This dream took place late August 2010.

dream dictionaries
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snake tatooed arms
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spherical time
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dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
green grass
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trailor park
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
tribal jewelry
dream dictionaries
waiting tables
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soccer ball
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