12 years ago
Tornado Motel

It began in a long hall with many rooms, like a really nice motel, with nice rooms, weird angles and lots of people, mostly family members that came in and out of the scene.

I faintly remember a sexy long-haired boy who seemed to be chasing after me, he kept appearing, flirting.

At one point, a young, very young cute blonde girl (reminded me of my friend Jake's 4-year-old niece Chloe as he had just shown me a picture of her flashing her fake tattoos on her knuckles a few days ago) ran up to me and asked to borrow my mascara.

I explained to her that she was much too young for makeup and already much too beautiful for it.

She pouted but quickly ran off excited about something else.

At that point, things were difficult to sequence.

I went to "my room" at the strange motel. The door wouldn't give, I was at the wrong door. I kept trying several other doors thinking I was at my room and none of the were right. I became very worried that someone had stolen my things.

There were a ton of people carrying bags all of a sudden. Someone shouted that we had missed check out and supposedly our things were gone (having been cleaned and prepared for the next round of guests).

I remember an upper level room where people were chilling. I expressed my worries about my belongings, but no one raised a brow except for the sexy brown-haired guy.

I think he tried to help, but disappeared again.

Next I'm outside hanging out with my brother.

We were going to Dad's garage that just so happened to exist on this strange motel property (as a child, my Dad had a small recording studio, tool room, etc. in our garage in the house I grew up in, this is what we were going to).

Suddenly, as we are outside, people started panicking.

A huge tornado, black as coal, began inching straight at us.

When I looked to the sky, it resembled Columbus' skyline with a nasty, nasty, tornado behind it, emerging from it.

I became worried because I couldn't find Jake or my Dad. I wanted to find them before taking shelter.

Randomly, Kevin, my best friend from high school, is yelling at me to leave my hiding spot, which was apparently too open.

He had me hide in this huge divot underneath some black metal benches that were cemented to the ground.

I reached out to hold onto the the feet of the bench as the tornado swept over us. I seriously felt a sensation of sorts while we were "in the tornado."

I look back and my wallet, a case of marijuana, and some other random things were skipping across the sidewalk in the wind in circles until they were out of sight.

I knew I had lots of cash in there (earlier that day I had been paid almost $300 in cash from work).

Once the storm had passed, I went to look for my money and other things.

Then Kevin screamed, "there's another one!"

So this time I look over and the sky was so vividly black and green, it was very Gotham City. And I recall it as a very disturbing visual.

Finally I stood, was screaming for my brother, and searching for my wallet.

A girl sitting on another bench had a wallet sticking out of her purse.

I asked for it. I knew it was mine.

But when I opened it, everything changed.

It wasn't mine.

There was cash in it though. I wanted to steal it. The girl and I joked about whether I should take the cash.

We decided a $50 out of the $200 that was in there wasn't so bad to take.

When I pulled out the $50, I was shocked to see Jesus on the front where the presidents usually are and some sort of religious message on the back.

I laughed, but was bummed it wasn't real.

I believe the girl on the bench had my marijuana too so I asked to smoke with her.

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