over 12 years ago
Garza and Hilton and the upcoming show

I was welcoming the musicians to their hotel room, Eric ended up coming With Rob and i was surprised. I set them up in their space it was a room at a Hotel on The plaza. Ivan was there too and we were going to get him a cot.

I left them there to meet up with some friends knowing i would be back to check on the musicians later.

I ended up eating lots of Mushroom Honey and began to feel very high- my body tingled and all my nadis vibrated.

Then i woke up(in the dream) i realized i had dreamed about eating the honey and that i didn't actually go out to meet my friends but was actually still in the room the the guys.

i was watching a video of Thievery Corporation on the computer and asked Eric- 'do you like this video? Are you comfortable with being filmed?' he said " no - i don't want to be famous".

i tucked them all in- ives was on a cot, eric was in one corner and when i tucked rob in we fell into bed. i hugged him goodnight and next thing ya know he was on top of me and holding me tight - we deeply kissed and it was calm. i fell asleep.

Then i woke up I went to get ready to meet my friends- i was in a public restroom-like a ladies room at a bar or something and a bunch of ladies were in there- i looked for my shoes - it was so hot ,i needed to change my clothes to accommodate the heat. i saw shoes that looked like mine and started to put them on- once i had them on, i could see clearly that they didn't match and the blue material was torn to expose tan underneath and that they weren't my shoes. i looked up again and saw mine- they were tall open toed shoes.
i put them on changed my clothes and went back to the hotel.

I ran into a party kid i know from town in the hall and told him about my honey dream- he said- were you tingling all over? i said yes! he said that's Mescalito- that was my dream you had!
it all made sense-haha.

i headed up to the guys room and opened the door and it was a full on party in there.
there were two people having sex in the bed rob was in and i thought for a sec- oh my god he's fucking someone else- all i could see was a sweaty back grinding and grooving- and hear them breathing heavily . there were wasted kids all over the room- drunk, doing lines being loud generally obnoxious scene- the people on the bed stopped fucking and got up- i was relieved to see it wasn't rob - that's when i realized that Ives, eric , and rob weren't in their room and had gone out.

I immediately told everyone to get out- yelling and dragging people off the floor . i wondered why the heck were they in there? a big WTF ! so i went to change the sheets that had rando peoples sex juices n jiz on so rob could sleep on clean sheets... There was a stash of clean sheets in the night stand next to the bed...
As i was finishing and had the dirty sheets in a bundle- rob returned i explained that a bunch of people had partied in their room while they were gone but i cleaned it up...

i don't remember what happened after that..

funny i often dream of people i am about to work with.. the artistic flow is often sexual in dreams for sex and creativity are borne out of the same energy...
also i tend to work out anxiety about upcoming events in dreams- hence the people trashing the room and having an extra person show up...

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