over 12 years ago
There are many ways! This is one

On Sunday night, i attended my first team speak meeting. After months of knowledge processing and absorption. Through study and review of countless blog articles, documentaries , lectures , and discussions. Discussions with friends colleagues and family about the economy, social pathology and the scientific approach to the logical management and allocation of the earths resources.

When asked what lead me to the movement and why i wanted to start a chapter in my area,

i literally drew a blank.

i have been so focused on preparing myself to be able to answer questions of the more scientific nature that i had momentarily lost sight of what originally drew me in.

It is in my nature to view the world through my heart. i feel deeply for every living thing and this planet that we call home.

When i discovered The Zeitgeist Movement, beyond the movies, i felt i had finally found home.

A homecoming in the sanity of the ideas that make the movement what it is.

Of course the root cause of most of the worlds problems is Money.

That oppressive all intrusive, globally dominating force that dictates and limits nearly every thing we do, or can even dream of doing.

Just the thought of visualizing a world without money lifts a great burden that has been weighing down upon me my whole life.

i think about what it was like to grow up poor, a victim of abuse , a family literally torn apart by the monetary market paradigm, knowing that i am in the top 20 % compared to the economic struggles the rest of the citizens of the world face every day.

The awareness of massive global inequality and lack of access to necessary resources and basic human needs, driven by the machine of profit motive and controlled scarcity breaks my heart.

The intrinsic consumption and waste model we subscribe to indoctrinated from birth makes me ill.

There is no refuge from the resulting corrupted value system we currently are engaged in.

Every time i turn my water on to do dishes i think of the millions of people in Africa living without access to drinking water.

Every time i drive in my car , i realize i am polluting the air we all breathe and using an outdated mode of transportation that only exists as a means to make profit.

When i shop for food at the grocery store i recognize it as a luxury for i know that millions , maybe even billions of people are starving around the globe. I struggle as i read labels trying to find food that isn't actually poison. Poison for profit.It is clear to me that humanity has become insane. All of us trapped in a pattern of behavior that is not sustainable, in heart, mind, or body and time is running out.

And there is another way...

Recognizing the insanity of our competitive monetary based society, I find great peace and resolve in the suggested solution of applying the scientific method to the allocation of all the earths resources. I recognize that we are one species living on one life giving planet and divisive notions such as politics , religions, governments and Economic position must be removed from power in order for us to survive and recover our precious humanity. By utilizing all of the technological advancements available, we can create a world of abundance. Abundance for everyone.

If the implementation of a Resource Based Economy means that my value system needs to be adjusted , so be it.If the implementation of a Resource Based Economy means that the basic needs of every person on the planet will be provided for, I welcome it with open arms.

I can no longer sit and do nothing.I have to become an active part of the sollution rather than a passive participant in the problem. Every day, every action, aimed at educating one person, one mind, one heart at a time. This is my work. I am not a scientist. I am a human and i live on earth. The earth and its people are sick and we are in need of great healing.

....With this cotton paper and discs of metal in my hand i pay the drive thru espresso barista and wish it all a distant memory.


The ideas are what i advocate .The strength in numbers of people that i focus my intention with gives me the energy to carry on. I am in no way, nor is TZM, stating that these ideas are property of a movement. They are ideas that resonate truthfully within me and i am willing to focus my energy to help people visualize a new way of living.
If you would like a "scientific" explanation of what TZM is all about go here http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/faq

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