almost 12 years ago
Spirits as tools for enlightenment

The universe offers us spiritual guidance and medicine. We need to quiet the mind, and develop the senses in order to receive it. Spirit is always with us, always watching-trying to help us, guide us further down our path of evolution.
I began seeing spirits before I really believed in them. I first began seeing an angel on occasion. Before long I learned that I could gain psychic powers, including healing powers, though relationships with different spirits. I was taught that along with compassionate ones, there were malicious spirits roaming the spirit world. These spirits are said to inflict pain and suffering upon their victims- wether the person is aware of them or not. They act as "energy vampires" so to speak, and are attracted to negative behavior- such as violence or hatred. In order to progress spiritually, and gain more power, one must free themselves from the influence of these spirits- through relationships with helping spirits- through healing and purification- through self empowerment.
The first malicious spirit I began seeing appeared as a skeleton face with bloody fangs. It would show up at random, and I would see it for no more than a few seconds at a time. Sometimes I would see it once or twice per day- sometimes all day. I would get so angry when this spirit came around- just knowing that it was dragging me down despite my efforts to build power/protection.
I began seeing this spirit more often, and a pattern emerged. The image of the skeleton face would appear when I was angry. I could no longer blame my anger on the spirit itself- It was attracted to my anger, not the cause of it. I began to connect it to other behaviors, thoughts, actions, emotions- like impatience, aggression, aggravation, and impulsive tendencies. The appearance of this spirit came and went over time, sometimes disappearing for a week or more at a time. At first I foolishly believed that I was overcoming it's influence. However, I discovered that I was simply blocking it out subconsciously through the use of distractions. (fiddling, fumbling, slouching, counting, worrying, songs stuck in head) Anything to avoid silence and stillness within is a barrier to being truly awake, to being fresh and alive. Any sort of denial is what's blocking our connection with the divine, with life itself. Total acceptance leads to total freedom.

The deeper meaning behind these spirits wasn't immediately apparent for me. At first they seemed to show up at random, but now I see that they all show up for a reason, although its not always apparant.
For example, Horse's appearance is usually interpreted as reminder to stay grounded. . His presence alone speaks for itself. Having spirit friends is reassuring. The universe cares about us and is always willing to help.

One theme that plagues me is my tendency of self abuse. When I start to slouch, or dip my head, I often see 1 or more figures that are hung, with nooses around their necks. I have also had visions of a hooded executioner, surrounding my thoughts of self condemnation. I find it difficult to remain open to the spirits- for it is not always pleasant or convenient. Their messages can be hard to bear. However I consider their appearance as a blessing. They bring clarity to my own behavior, my own psyche especially. They offer guidance-they tell me what to focus on next in order to advance.
I no longer look at the spirits I see as anything separate from myself. I came to realize that they are all reflections of the inner self. Icons representing different aspects of my psyche.

There is no more hiding from your inner demons when they are staring back at you.

Compassionate spirits, on the other hand, often come in the form of animals or dieties- angels, heros, and mystical creatures. They offer wisdom and guidance, as well as spiritual/psychic powers. Connecting with these spirits is a healing experience. I see these spirits as pieces of my own soul seeking integration- a deeper connection that will strengthen their qualities within myself.
For example, the first animal spirit, or "power animal" that appeared to me was Tiger. Tiger embodies courage, confidence, balance, and grace. By connecting with Tiger, I am strengthening these qualities within myself. Power animals are attracted to the people that would benefit from them the most.

All spirits offer insight into The World, The Self, The Dream These spirits can all be used towards the unification of the True Self, or, "Enlightenment", Samadhi. The integration of the ego with the whole- a state of desirelessness, pure bliss. We are all, by law, inevitably on course towards this destination. What we choose to experience until then is up to us, and still up for grabs.

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