11 years ago
Cultivating Mariri

2-26-13 Breakthrough journey- Beginning to better learn the boundaries of the ego.
I turned on the drumming track, off the lights, and lay in the scope of a heavy lost cubit ring, along with several other large stones all near my head., I layed down and immediately started breathing real deep, yogic style, while diving face first into clearing a demon- a 4th wheel heart wound. One that represents disgust, appears as a bloody piece of stitched up flesh, and makes me slightly curl my cheecks up in disgust. I am starting to understand the “Mariri” , or the magic phglem that Amazonian shamans from various cultures cultivate for psychic protection and power. It is a physical manifestation of their fuerza or shamanic power that comes from the earth below, as apposed to shamanic power that comes from the divine heavens above. Different cultures use different languages out in the jungle. One cultures word for the mariri is simply the word used to refer to phlegm, while another uses the word knowledge to refer to it. They say one with magic phlegm is “one who knows”.] This phlegm is used for protection and power.
A few weeks earlier, I felt the strong urge to pay close attention to my phlegm, and stay open to the idea of finding my own magic phlegm. I realized that it is a viable technique that my spiritual guidance alone could teach me. I think back to a 3.5g muchroom trip I had some time ago. I lie on my bed with my wife in a dark lit room. I was blasting through intense vision and emotion- melted into my surroundings, my state of awareness feeling so alien yet so familiar. The bed, my wife, the characters and shooting stars in my visions, I felt them all as apart of me, with my own body and self lost in the soup. It was like I could feel every platelet of the blood that was flowing through my etheric capillaries. They were all varying degrees of hot and cold. I also felt the very strong urge to A) get up and go urinate and B)clear the snot that was building up in my nose and throat, restricting my breath. I was having so many insights come so fast, and I was feeling the deep healing that was taking place at cellular and subconscious levels. I was notified then by the galactic alliance that if I were to resist those urges, It would allow more prana to flow. I boldly let me guard down and squelched the urges. I went through a grand experience, getting acquainted with the divine. In angst, I slowly let my urine and snot pools grow. Along the summit of the journey, the power within me had grown to a previously unimaginable height. I took deep, rumbling breaths, breathing only through my nose. The snot had built up so heavily that I was being suffocated quite severely! My body and mind were very panicked. Toad lingered, and insisted that I did not need oxygen to survive at this moment. His truth was undeniable, my ego kept telling me to stop, but deep down the truth sat. The intensity steadily climbed until my snot was gurgling in my nose. Jeanne told me to stop, but I persisted. She asked what I was doing and I told her “being bold”. I knew that I must continue- this was my opportunity to go beyond… to step into a more advanced level of power. I closed my eyes and was blasting through big, bright, powerful visions. Lion dominated the scene. Lion reflected my daring stab at the unknown. Immense power surged through my veins. Molten passion seared my soul, driving me further and further into the light. I knew that I was building my shamanic abilities. I thought of all my friends and family, and the pain we all endure on a daily basis. This was the fuel that pushed my rocket ship. I simealouteanously experienced ecstasy, fear, and pain. Lion urgently showed me that in order to push through these intense levels of ascension, that I must release all pressure that I had on myself. I must not push myself onward, or I would break down and back down. I must allow myself complete freedom to continue or not. I delicately obeyed. It caused my heart to seep, but it propelled me even further. I reached a point where the intensity incline started to level. I continued a bit longer for the sake of expressing my determination and willingness, and soon I was told to stop. Out of respect for the process, I did not end abruptly, but slowly began to come back into my body starting with small finger and toe movements, and I began breathing through my mouth.
The focus of this paragraph is the connection between the psychic journey and the snot that was building. During the trip, I learned that the intensity and power of the experience was closely connected to my approach to, and maybe the focus towards the mucous. During my last journey, I had a moment where I felt some slime in my throat, and had an ‘aha’ moment where I realized that the mairiri was available, and that I will acquire this tool when the moment is right. Several times since then, especially after smoking Ganja, because it gives you phlegm and increased awareness, I have felt strong power start to stream within me when I bring my focus into my phlegm, and allow it to sit. Note that Amazonian shamans smoke mapacho(tobacco) all day, and claim that it helps them build their mariri. I feel that this is something that can only truly be learned through one’s own personal guidance

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