almost 12 years ago
Legendary Mars Walk

July 21, 2012 [ 210712 ]


I am on the planet Mars inside a large aerospace spaceship hanger. I have been enrolled as a technical assistant for electronic musical pioneer Jean Michel Jarre who is being hired to produce new music for some space-oriented organization agency. At first, I am thrilled to be working with Jarre (who's album "Oxygene" had a significantly strong visionary influence on me in my early youth), tho I begin to feel that the role I am playing as a technical assistant is well below my own skills and aptitude potentials, and that I could probably produce better music than he can currently. Nonetheless, I remain humble and keep my opinions silent, and continue to support him with this current task.

As Jarre is working busily, he mentions some vague notions about potentials for innovative geometric musical interfaces. I get excited, and immediately pull out and show him something I invented that is exactly what he is talking about and much more. The invention is a type of musical interface device that involves an overlay of the solar ecliptic line, the lunar path line, and the equinox points displayed on a transparent acrylic sphere that can be held in both hands. I am about to describe more about how the invention works and the underlaying geometric significance, tho Jarre does not seem very interested, or rather he is intimidated, and he frantically returns to his myopic focus on the job he has to do.

An old man service employee drives by in an aerospace cart truck, and Jarre speaks to him trying to get the old man to re-wire some electrical cords in the work space. The old man, who has clearly worked there for a long time, gracefully refuses by making up some excuse, and then intelligently and politely redirects Jarre to someone else who might be able to help. Jarre returns to his work again.

I then take a walk toward one end of the aerospace hanger, where I realize that there is a wide access portal (a type of open airlock) that goes up and out onto the surface of the planet Mars. Looking out, I can see that the surface is very dusty, and that it is extremely windy! The atmosphere outside is tumultuous, and the air is filled with reddish-brown dust to the point of almost total "white-out" (or in this case, "red-brown-out")! I can also see many other people, early pioneers, casually walking around (from left to right) in spacesuits with semi-spherical glass helmets. I realize that this is an extraordinary opportunity to be one of the first pioneering people to ever walk on Mars. As I step up the incline of the walk-way into the dusty and windy atmosphere, I realize that I am in a space suit, but that I do not have a helmet on. I consider if the Martian atmosphere has enough oxygen for me to breath or not. I do not know, tho my guess is probably not. Anyway, I only make it a few steps up the walk-way and onto the surface before the dusty wind and lack of oxygen forces me to return into the underground hanger.

Having returned inside, I feel a tremendous sense of momentous accomplishment: I have technically walked on the surface of Mars! I consider that I will post about this event on FaceBook:

"Just had my first walk on Mars! What an amazing day today ;) ~ !"

The dream then shifts in a very peculiar way. I walk back into the hanger, and as I go, things transform in a way where the space changes, the time changes, and my sense of person changes. Somehow, I realize that I am being initiated as a new person, as a type of actor for a new type of cinematic medium that exists in this time of the future. The new type of entertainment medium is both highly cinematic and real-time realistic.

I find myself in first-person perspective as a different person, a character whom this real-time cinematic hyper-media experience will be about: a prodigy who is destined to become a famous and legendary pioneer of not just Mars--but of space-time itself--and even a pioneer of new realms of psychological space, of meaning ... In this future time, this person is already vastly famous for what he has accomplished by crossing various new frontiers in the name of humanity. He is regarded as an extraordinary hero of mythic proportions. Somehow, I have been chosen to enact his character, to re-live his life as a type of tribute and performance for the global masses via a type of highly cinematic / real-time hyper-media entertainment.

I begin living the biography of his life from a vantage point of a specfic moment in his life. This moment is a seminal influence which forged the foundation of his character in a way that would eventually result in the realization of his future legendary destiny ...

This moment begins:

It is night time. I find myself in first-person perspective approaching a small house in a residential area of planet Earth. I enter the house, and then enter a small and narrow room. I stand in the room and feel who I am: a younger person (maybe 18), male, with blonde hair. My sense of personality is that I am somewhat suggestible, gullible, humble, kind, and modest. My intelligence is simple, tho so perfectly simple that it will, in time, become ripe with an eloquently blossoming ingenuity.

The room is small and narrow, made of old wood on all sides. There is a small, old, round wooden table with an antique phonograph machine playing some classic record. I am simply standing before the table watching the record turn. Someone else is sitting in a chair on the other side of the table. This person is some type of authority figure, like a parent or spiritual guide. They are in some way making me stand still and watch the record turn. There is a powerful and definitive sense that this is something that I *MUST* do: to endure this long moment with strict discipline, standing motionless, with single-pointed focus, observing this record turn. Somehow, this regimen is entraining and establishing fundamental qualities of my person's character which will be essential in the on-going unfolding of my life's destiny toward fulfilling a legend of epic proportions.

As I stand enduring the moment with single-pointed focus, my sense of perspective warps, and I become a dog, or like a dog waiting to be fed--yet being told to "STAY!" And then my visual perspective warps further and zooms in very close to the moving record ... to where my field of view is extremely close, seeing only the glossy black and dusty surface of the passing groovy record texture. This final momentary instance feels strained and harsh on my concentration--like I have my "nose to the grind-stone" ...

While I endure this strange state of forced concentration with perfect attention, there is some highly cinematic music playing with a male voice speaking a long narrative monologue. The audio seems pre-recorded. The voice is talking slowly, dramatically, and poetically about things like the nature of the human condition, about the nature of the individual, about how "one man, one person, one mind, by his relentless endurance, courage, and fortitude, combined with a unique and natural aptitude of innocence and humility ... forged a passion so intense and pure ... a surrender so perfect ... that only he could cross the threshold of such epic proportions ... heralding in the unprecedented paradigm of psycho-emotional meaning for all future generations of humanity … ... ..." The voice continues on and on and on ... gradually building with a climax of both narrative and musical impact !!!

The audio climax corresponds with a realization that this seminal moment is complete, the psychological influence of character has been established, and then I move out of the room, out the front door of the house, upward into the sky, and then step thru a type of gateway, a black rectangular portal in the star-studded sky, into the void backdrop of this person's potential of destiny. This is the final image of the dream, looking something like a movie poster: a view of the glowing eclipsed silhouette of this person, dressed in a space suit with no helmet, stepping thru a type of doorway into the starry night sky, and into the black void of pure potential. He is frozen in space and time, perfectly poised upon the threshold of everything he is about to become, and yet also already perfect in his becoming. For his destiny will play out (in the sense of the cinematic presentation of an on-going unfolding biographical story), and yet this destinty has also already played out (in the sense of the present-time, active future-time of the dream).

By either sense of time perspective, this person's individual destiny fulfills an extraordinary role in the collective destiny of humanity. As the dream comes to a close, the overall feeling is of an awesome psycho-emotive juxtaposition: combining the essential uniqueness of a single individual person--so beautifully individuated into a clear and eloquent character of boldness, ingenuity, innocense, and humility--with the utter awe and elevated inspiration of the collective human masses in celebration of what one individual can do, and of what all of humanity can become together by the synergy of both our unique diversity and unified solidarity … as we cross unprecedented thresholds into the ever unfolding mystery of space, time, and meaning ...


Interesting facts to consider:

• This dream, which occurred on the night following the day of July 20, 2012, was on the 43 year anniversary of the Apollo Moon landing, July 20, 1969.

• The day after the dream, July 22, 2012, is exactly 14 days (2 weeks, a half moon cycle) from before the "Curiosity" Mars rover landing on Sunday, August 5 (6th UTC), 2012.

• 9 months forward from the "Curiosity" Mars landing will be May 6, 2013. My father was born on May 6, 1942. He is 70 this year. I was born on May 3, 1970. I am 42. I've determined that late July / early August of 1969--around the time of the Apollo Moon landing--is approximately the time window where I had to have been conceived in order to have been born in early May 1970.

• I awoke from the dream on July 21, 2012, a day before July 22, 2012--which has quintessentially significant numbers associated to the numerology and geometry of music. The date July 22, 2012 can be condensed to the date format: 22.07.12, which contain the numbers 22, 7, and 12. In the standard chromatic musical scale, there are 7 "natural" notes (white keys), and a total of 12 notes (black and white keys). 3 octaves (3 x 7) = 21, plus 1 more key to complete the final octave = 22. 22 divided by 7 = PI (3.14 …) which is the basis for all circles and spheres.


Dream interpretations (in process): ...

''Humility is the gateway to infinity."
~ The Little Book of Humility.

"Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars."
~ Serbian Proverb

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