over 11 years ago
pamela shapiro
space port
Hacking Space

November 18, 2012 [ 181112 ]

Fragment 1:

I am standing in a type of spaceport, and a beautiful black-haired female is standing there too dressed in a space suit, and standing in a door portal. She is about to go on a very long trip into deep space, further it seems than anybody ever before. I am involved with the mission coordination somehow. But the girl is on the verge of leaving on this great trip, and she says something to me that seems to be indirectly suggestive that our relationship should be acknowledged more than it is--especially upon the cusp of her leaving. She says something to the effect of:

"And great love is great love!" She says it almost sarcastically or with conviction, seeming to suggest by her tone that it is so obvious to her that we feel a great love between us, and that she is surprised that I would not naturally acknowledge this before she is about to leave on a trip from which she may never return.

Even in the dream, the girl somehow reminds me of Pamela Shapiro (but shorter hair).

She approaches me with helmet off, and we embrace and kiss.

Then then dream shifts, and she is gone, far far far away in a spaceship. I am somehow involved in keeping tabs on her, on helping her to navigate, and tracking her progress and position. At one point, I can see the view from her spaceship, and get a great visual of the milky way "arm of stars" outside her space window. The span of the milky way is stretching directly vertically in the view. The colors of space are deeper, and a dark blue permeates most things. It feels that she is in deep, deep space, somewhere far away from Earth, in another part of the galaxy.

Then, somehow, I bring her back instantly. And I do so "against the rules." I bring her back home to Earth to be with me, so that we may be together. I know she appreciates this, and she does. I bring her back in a way that "tricks" the system, so that it appears that she is still gone on her mission, but in fact she has returned to Earth for the sole purpose of us being together. I somehow "hacked" space and "hacked" the mission for great love over space exploration.

Fragment 2:

Then I am somewhere else, and working with something in collaboration to produce something extraordinary. We have produced a type of musical ultra-modern electro-opera performance show. The theme is brilliant, and has never been done before: something to do about space and hacking. The characters are incredible, and the music and lyrics are very creative, entertaining, and ingenious. The style is kind of SeaPunk. I am starring in it, and I see myself with a bunch of other female performers singing and dancing some brilliant song. We are performing for the same black-haired female from before, and she is impressed. Then the scene of the show transforms, and 3 black people (African-American) step up to center stage as do an incredible performance piece, where the man is rapping very rapidly and intelligently about space and hacking, and 2 female singers are singing beautifully. I watch in amazement.

Fragment 3:

Now I am in Hawaii, and I am with a guy (black man), and we are collaborating on a type of creative project together. We are co-creating some type of entrepreneurial creative entity or art project or something. While we are focused on creating it, we are also traveling around a bit from the north side of the island to the south side (and apparently back and forth a few times). I begin to get confused, and I even feel disoriented and diluted (almost like drunk or stoned) in the dream. As we are moving around in a vehicle which the black man is guiding, I cannot tell where we are. So I start asking, "Are we in Kehei or Paia? I can't tell. I know we were in Kehei, but now … what is this place?" And I look outside the auto windows and it is night. I can see we are close to the ocean, and see palm trees, and everything else one would expect to see in Hawaii, but cannot tell which town it is. The guy is looking at me a little perplexed, and he seems a bit surprised and concerned that I am so confused. From his view, we have just traveled only once from one town to the next, and it is pretty obvious (I think we were in Paia and now we are in Kehei). But also, he knows it is not that important where we are. We arrive somewhere, and then continue on our creative project. I am working on some visual designs. He points out that it all looks really great, but that perhaps we do not want to have a "smoke ring" in the middle of the design, and he points to a type of grey toroidal ring that I had placed in the design. He is suggesting that other people will recognize that as a smoke ring, and associate it to mariajuana, and that we want to keep this more professional.

Awake: upon awaking, I had explicit visions of creating a tarot card deck for Mythic Systems. Each card would be correspondent to the standard tarot archetypes, tho translated into ultra-modern psycho-mythic / scientific / cyber representations … with a QR code embedded into the frame of each card.

Update: this evening, while reading articles on the newly emerging private space industry ("NewSpace"), I came across a link within an article to another article called "Hacking Space". I'm not sure if I've ever seen those two words together before--except of course in my dream last night!

"Hacking Space" article:


Excerpt: "as technical and financial innovations help lower the obstacles to spaceflight, the next great space company may emerge some day from a hackerspace or a spare room—or even a garage."

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