over 11 years ago
david wilcock
pamela shapiro
virtual reality
Future Lives, Virtualization, and Transcension

October 26, 2012 [ 261012 ]

These fragments are described in the order in which I recalled them. Tho I actually think that the first fragment came near the end of the dream:

Fragment 1:

I am flying up in the sky and I see Pamela. She is lying down, face up, it seems on a broom stick. We are moving upward thru the sky at a gradual angular vector. It seems we are on our way toward "Transcending" into a new dimension of reality. I am able to see her face closely and clearly. She is looking upward silently. She is so beautiful. I notice that her eyes are strange, deep, and dark … peculiar yet fascinating. I notice that her mouth is amazing. Overall, she looks much like the "Dragon Fly Queen" (an image she had once posted on FaceBook). There is a deep sense of recognition of her face unlike I have noticed before.

Fragment 2:

I am somewhere like Oregon or the general NorthWest area (Canada?) I am in a type of small, informal conference of workshop on the topic of intuitive guidance. The presenter is an older blonde lady who seems to be Devaka, tho she also seems to feel like David Wilcock. I am sitting in a chair kind of front and center, while only a few other people are there sitting off to the left side.

The presenter is talking about dreams and past lives, and I interrupt her (because I get excited about something she says), and interject an example from my own life, and am asking what is means. I tell her how I had just had this dream about my future lives and future selves (and by "just had it", I feel like I had just had it moments ago); and in the dream I am recalling this other dream that had something to do with futures lives and had very much to do with "threeness" (like three people projecting forward thru future time). And, I continue to explain to the presenter, that before I went to sleep, I had asked for dream guidance about my past lives. So what does it mean, I ask, that I dreamt of my future lives when I had asked about my past lives? In describing this, I have this similar sense to the "threeness segmentation" (as I have in a few other dreams before this in the past few days, tho in a different way; it is just a more general association to the threeness segmentation of past, present, future).

The presenter begins to answer me, explaining something to the effect of "Oh yes, ah! You see, that is because of such and such, and such and such, and … " (tho I cannot yet recall exactly what she was explaining now).

Then we all move to somewhere else in the same building. It is the same group of people, including the presenter, and a few other people, mostly females. The presenter now sometimes seems like Shaktiva. There is a definite sense that this person is a kind of "power" female, a spirit mother type. We are all gathering and relaxing, laying down on pillows and talking. There is a sense of a surmounting event about to happen: that I will be leaving on a trip somewhere. It is also announced by the presenter lady that we have several people here with birthdays coming up very soon, and that we will celebrate them in the order of time sequence, and I see a list of dates for the Month of May: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13 … (something very close to that at least, and very close to Fibonacci), where my birthday (May 3) is included. The sense is that today is May 1, or just before May 1, so my birthday will be coming up soon, and that we will have some type of community celebration on all of these days. The lady asks me how old I am going to be, and I realize the answer is 43, but I say kind of jokingly, "23".

Dolphins were involved here somewhere or somehow. I could feel them, tho I do not recall seeing them.

The trip I am about to go on has a sense that it is like Burning Man.

Then I am leaving on a short and preliminary trip to go to find a bus station in a city. The city has the feeling of a NorthWest city like Portland or Vancouver, tho perhaps also of Chicago (I think mostly like Vancouver). I am either walking or driving around the city looking for a specific location for a bus terminal. I need to find out where and when the bus leaves, so that I can use that information to go on a more significant trip later on (soon). Once I find his bus station location, I then begin to drive "home". I am driving up a straight road thru the city and begin to cross a city bridge--and then the road transforms tremendously. The road/bridge becomes a type of virtualization of itself. What was previously a wide expanse of black, gray, and brown concrete, metal, and cars suddenly "melts" into a multi-colored, super-fluid medium of a trans-digital substance. The road becomes a bright liquidy, flowing yellow, the cars become obscure, fuzzy blobs of red, pink, and blue smudge clouds. The entire feeling of this medium is that it is like a tasty (almost like you could eat it) and pasty hyper-maluable paint substance. As this is happening, it is a surprising experience, I realize that it is highly unusual, and I do not understand exactly what is happening. I then begin to become slightly self-reflective and lucid within the dream, thinking to myself, "Well, this is unusual for a city road to melt into this type of hyper-real experience." And then the experience crosses some very significant threshold of psychic and imaginary space that leads to something entirely different …

* I feel that this may be the point where the dream transitioned into fragment 1 (above), of rendezvousing with Pamela in the transcendent traversing of the sky. Or it is possible that fragment 1 did happen first, which was the "dream of future lives" that I was referring to is fragment 2. For certain, the significant transition across an imaginary threshold (the "yellow psychic paint bridge") lead into a significant interaction involving Pamela. So I think the next fragment is what occurred next:

Fragment 3:

It now feels like the future, and I have arrived to visit Pamela's hyper-virtual "webspace". This "webspace" is like the distant future version of the personal "webpage": a contained 3-dimensional hyper-real virtual space that can represent the person's domain in any way they choose to design it. I get the sense that, functionally, it is also like a vast extension and combination of what we now know of the FaceBook "page" and Instagram. Pamela's space looks somewhat simple and essentialized. It is generally a place in nature with trees and a blue sky. There are a few 3D graphical icons arranged in a type of "light bar" near the green grass ground. These icons link to external web spaces or other virtual services. After I arrive, I realize that I have not been here in awhile, and that the place looks different. Pamela has changed things a lot. There used to be more here, more development, more content. Things seem much more essentialized and streamlined and simple. There is much less content, and much less associated links in and out of this space. Pamela's presence is here, tho I am not certain if it is actually her, or a virtualization of her. There is an overall sense of diminishment and essentialization as compared to a temporal reference point in the past. There is also a sense of another guy's presence; and an associated link to this other male "friend".

Then as I am approaching conscious awakening, I am having a type of conversation with the presence of Pamela and the other guy. I am referring to Pamela as various nicknames, like "Tea Pee", which refers "T.P." which refers to "Texas Pamela" or "Texas Shapiro" (a nickname which I have referred to Pamela as on FaceBook), which is a reference to how she is similar to "Indiana Jones".

I awake, and the first thing I recall is fragment 1 …


Interpretations / Associations / Reflections:

- context of yesterday's experience: last night, right before sleep, I was watching part 1 of 4 of David Wilcock's DVD on "Access Your Higher Self", where he explains some of the science behind psychic phenomena, particularly of non-local mind and collective unconscious intelligence. Near the end of the video, he introduced the idea of becoming aware of out past life influences, and the notion that many people in our lives we have shared lives with before. He then introduced the topic of part 2 as methods of deriving past life information. I then went to sleep, holding the intention / question in my mind of information around my past lives.

- The Transcension Hypothesis: yesterday morning, I was introduced the the Transcension Hypothesis of John Smart:

"The transcension hypothesis proposes that a universal process of evolutionary development guides all sufficiently advanced civilizations into what may be called "inner space," a computationally optimal domain of increasingly dense, productive, miniaturized, and efficient scales of space, time, energy, and matter, and eventually, to a black-hole-like destination. "



I invested a good amount of the day yesterday into researching and absorbing and being vastly inspired by this hypothesis. The notion of this hypothesis resonates very much with much of my own thinking, as well as with many extraordinary experiences and sensibilities I've had over the course of my life thus far. In some sense, I feel that my more essential core purpose is very closely aligned with such a theory, and begs a question in my life: how can I participate with this life to contribute toward the realization of such a "transcension"? So, overall, in context to this dream, I feel that I became particularly aligned with this type of "Omega Point" in a way that invokes a profound sense of personal purpose.

One aspect of the Transcension Hypothesis is "STEM Compression" (or STEM+IC Compression) (http://aftercontact.org/2011/06/stem-compression-explore-the-universe-without-actually-going-there/): the evolutionary trend toward the compression (or ephemeralization) of space, time, energy, and matter (as well as information and computation). One aspect of STEM+IC Compression is the trend toward virtualization of processes.

- Cloud Atlas sync: the movie Cloud Atlas opened today. As I understand, it is all about the connections between people, and past lives / future lives, etc. I may go see it right away ... [ so I went to see it today ] ...

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