over 11 years ago
crowded house

I went to look at a house with Justin, my kids' dad. He and I haven't lived together in years but he thought this house could work for us because it had separate living areas. It looked very run down, crumbling brick in some places, lots of junk around the yard, the yard hadn't been tended to in many years. The lady renting it out was not the owner or a tenant, I think she was a property manager. She showed us around and I got really excited when I saw the vast open living room. There were several fireplaces, some of which worked, one of them the current tenants were using as a place to put a desk. She showed us the other rooms, one was a large bedroom that I thought would be good for my son. The other was really weird--it had a sloping floor that was painted with shiny gray paint. The floor sloped so much that there was no way you could have any furniture in the room and you would have to sleep on the floor at the bottom of the slope. I was trying to imagine how I would live in that room. And by then, I had noticed that the house was really quite funky and I wasn't sure if it was going to work for us. Justin and I need a lot of space from each other and I couldn't figure out who would get what room. The lady was really eager to rent this place and had the lease out, ready for us to sign. We hadn't even discussed the rent, but Justin was ready to sign the lease. He is desperate to get out of his parents' house so for him, any house would do. I asked her how much the rent was. She just said, "Goofy". Ok...that didn't tell me anything. I tried asking her a few times and she avoided answering me. Justin and I talked about this outside and I decided that because the house wasn't ideal, I didn't want to pay more than $2000 for it. I said we should make an offer. Then I noticed a dial on the wall that was spinning, and it landed on a number, $1950, then it moved to $1750. I said that we would take it for $1750. Since I am currently paying $950 for my apartment, that seemed like a good deal.

Just then, there was a lot of commotion outside. Large RV's, buses, trucks and enormous boats were pulling up onto the lawn and in the driveway. Dozens of adults and children got out of these vehicles. The majority of the people were African American, but some were other ethnicities, very few of them were white. They filled up the front yard and then started coming into the house. It took me a while to figure out that all these people--and there were a LOT of them, like maybe 70--lived in that house. The house suddenly got very crowded and that big living room filled with children of all ages, mostly under the age of 8. There were Arabic, Indian, African, Asian and Hispanic kids, all playing together like siblings. I was very confused. There must have been 50 kids in that room and I figured they must all sleep in the living room in sleeping bags. I decided to go outside and check out the rest of the property. There was a garage out back that I hadn't noticed before. Justin decided to see if he could pull his car into the garage. He was driving a yellow Corvette, which I thought was cheesy. I could see that the garage door was too low but he tried anyway, and ended up scraping the top of his car on it. The door, or whatever it was that was hanging down low, left a large blue scrape on the top of his car. The rest of the property seemed to have a lot of building potential. I mentioned that if we could buy the whole property, we could just get rid of the house. All of a sudden, a tall, whte guy appeared and very sternly said, "It's not for sale". In fact, he also informed us that the current tenants had no intention of leaving, so we would be living with them. Walking back toward the house I passed by all the boats which looked more like spaceships, and decided we should just get out of there.

The people in this dream were so vividly real, I feel like they must be real people somewhere on earth. I had conversations with some of the children and got to know them, and the faces of some of the adults I had stared at intently, and remember them clearly.

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