over 12 years ago
Title Fighter

I'm a title fighter in some huge fight on new year's eve in some Vegas type setting.

Though I'm not me... I look more like that one chef on the Food Network... Marcus Samuelsson...

I'm pitted against a mean-lookin dude, kinda looks like Muhammad Ali, but with a short fro. Someone that I normally fear confronting...

There's a lot of anxiety/nerves going before the fight.

But I think I eat a dose and then things go slow motion, either that or the fight just occurs in slow motion anyway.

The fight only lasts a few seconds with him coming at me strong. I dodge the first few swings, but then I'm able to grab and break his face and then completely rip off his head. It was bloody-violent... Unlike anything I've ever dreamt.

But that didn't seem to be the focus of the dream.

After the fight, I was on a plane with my friend, Merlin (his private jet...) a bunch of other people, and Michael Garfield. For some reason I get off the plane (we were chillin before taking off), and then the rest of the dream I'm spending trying to get back on.

I remember trying to contact MG, but my phone working really weird in the dream world.

There's a weird weird scene where I'm in an aquarium/tub with clear sides... and in it are like organs... I remember seeing a heart as well as other random stuff. The organs and I were submerged (well I wasn't fully submerged) in a clear liquid, that I came to understand was formaldehyde.

After pulling myself upright to a seated position and then getting out of the tub, all I wanted to do was shower.

This was when I started to scramble for my cell phone for basically the rest of the dream...

I think the body and organs in the tub belonged to the guy I fought and killed...

I remember the next few scenes was me running around this hotel type building looking for people who might know how to get on the party plane, but I quickly realize that 'most of these people wouldn't be invited.'

I remember looking at the time/my phone and seeing that Stefan was trying to call me just after it struck new year's, and I remembered that he was an hour behind. I ended up ignoring the call.

There's a moment when I end up on a rooftop surrounded by beautiful women. I stop my search for just a moment and am engulfed by them ^_^ I remember making pleasurable sounds, like "Mmmm." and moaning a bit, but then snapping back into. "Okay I gotta get on this plane!" mode.

It siphoned down to just two girls and my friend Aaron... He turns to kiss one of them, and the other turns into Janelle.

In one of the final scenes before I wake up, I'm back in that room w/ a tub. It's a multi-leveled room, and I finally get to start looking for the shower. Not before seeing someone and beginning to ask if she knew where the plane was (then realizing mid-sentence that she wouldn't be invited). I find the shower, but the entire room's flooded/water-logged because the water had been running all night and coming out of several hoses.

I exit that room to see this mass-exodus or large groups of people all headed the same direction. Apparently they're headed for the airstrip too...

I see some guy directing traffic or something, and I ask him about the plane. And magically, he knows! So he leads me up some stairs, and I remember him saying something in response to me thanking him profusely... "we're all just characters, man." or something like that... it was either something along the lines of "everyone has their story" or... "step into your role" or both?

As we get to the top of the stairs (oh and by the way, people are dressed in kind of marching-band outfits... if I recall correctly, pink with yellow trim) we turn to the right and through some double doors -- in this space reminiscent of an arena, it goes slow motion again, and I see people transforming into beasts and running amok. Then I wake up.

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