12 years ago
Dalai Lama Drive By

We walk to the venue and as we do a few more friends join us..... in this dream they are known as Brother Coyote and Sister Bright Eyes. We enter a dance event. It is an underground club and is very dark. The only thing lighting the space is a the video art that is being projected on a HUGE screen. We all enter and start dancing..... Bluetech is playing! We are getting down and it feels good. Then Bluetech starts playing some really heavy music witch alters the whole vibe of the place. The energy starts getting really intense and my focus turns to the video projection. Someone near by tells me that the video is streaming live from some other place in the world. The video is now showing an army of people marching. They are fully adorned in military gear from head to toe. I look closer at the people marching and realize that they are all skeletons. Their march feels evil. The sound is getting heavier and heavier, almost too much to bear. Everyone is watching the video and has stopped dancing. This army carries a very dark energy. Its almost as if Bluetech is making sounds that match the army. Then he begins changing the sound. It's getting lighter and brighter. He telepathically explains to us all that he has been studying the vibration of LOVE very closely and has figured out the sound of LOVE!!! He begins playing the sound of LOVE.... it is beautiful! Orchestral with some funky Bluetech beats.... It is amazing and the whole crowd can feel the immediate energetic shift. I look up at the video, the army of skeletons have stopped marching. They are turning towards each other and really looking at one another. As they do this pieces of flesh start reemerging on there bones..... They begin embracing one another and their flesh is almost completely back to normal. Everyone starts dancing again and as we do the skeleton army has now made their complete transformation into their fully fleshy selves. It is beautiful! Bluetech's sounds are just astounding!!! We are healing the world through the dance to his sounds..... Then Brother Coyote comes rushing towards me. He tells me to quickly come with him. He explains that there is something wrong with Sister Bright Eyes. I run with him to her. She is propped up against a wall and is not looking well. She is extremely faint and is unable to hold her own weight. I embrace her and she keeps saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have been trying to take my medicine lately, I'm Sorry". I tell her there is no reason for sorries and Brother Coyote and I carry her outside. Brother Coyote gives her a small piece of polished glass that is very special to him, and I give her a beautiful necklace that I made, adorned with many stones.... The center piece is a beautiful Moonstone. She puts on the necklace and holds the glass close to her heart. This helps her energy a little, enough so that she can walk. We are trying to figure out where to take her. She needs a healing and maybe some medical attention. We are walking on a narrow street and see an ally up ahead that seems to be glowing. We decide to turn down the ally. As we do a car drives up to the entrance of the ally but still on the narrow street. The back window unrolls slowly and the Dalai Lama pokes his head out. I run over to him and he tells me that he has just spent many hours do walking meditation in this very ally. He says that in his meditation he recited a mantra..... He tells me I should do the same...... He then looks at me very seriously and tells me the mantra----- ONE WORLD. As he says it I see a vision of our entire universe.... a spiraling image of universes in universes.... voids upon voids... spaces between the stuff.... stuff between the spaces. He is referring to the entire universe as ONE WORLD..... UNITY to the fullest...... He rolls up the window and the car continues to drive on.... I walk back to my friends and then I wake.......

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