12 years ago
Keepers of Suffering

This one is HEAVY........ People are scarce. Everyone seems to be hiding or gone entirely. Scanning city streets. I feel someone inside a recreational type building. I enter the building. I have been there before in other dreams. I am drawn to one of the locker rooms. Inside there are a handful of alien beings. I have seen them before in the dream "A Lesson in Telepathy" posted a few months ago. Each one of these beings has a human and are taking them to different parts of the room, which it seems they have converted into an operating room. There are operating type tables. The alien beings have heavily sedated the humans and have put them on the tables. (For those who have not read my previous dream about these beings; They are extremely tall, they have Draconian/Reptilian features but they don't feel fully of that species.... Maybe a mixed blood race, They stand upright, have lizard like hands, have a very strange quality about their skin... it is iridescent shades of deep army greens, lighter greens and blues, Their heads are huge kind of like the renderings of the species portrayed in the movie Alien except not so elongated.... more broad and bulbus heads, they are very physically strong and brute, they feel like workers for something more powerful than themselves). I am drawn to one of the humans I go to where he has been laid. No one can see me in the room because I am purely in spirit form. I am up on top of one of the rows of lockers looking down at this man on the table. The alien starts methodically dissecting him. He is removing large pieces of flesh and muscle consuming bits of it and storing other parts of it. I am feeling the man so strongly. He has been sedated so that he cant squirm or make sounds, but their is no pain killer effect so he is still feeling the excruciating pain. The being is making sure to keep him alive. He is very carefully removing the flesh around his nervous system. I am telepathically communicating with the man. He can now feel my presence. I am telling him to let go. Let his spirit fly free from his body... It is ok to surrender and leave his physical form. He begins to and there are many flashes of his spirit sitting next to me on my perch and then it getting pulled back into his body. The being has now almost fully removed all of his flesh and muscles. He has made sure to keep his brain, heart, lungs, and all the major organs intact. The man is now a shell of a person. His spirit keeps wanting to let go and join me, but the being is very aware of this. He is now aware that I am in the room and he tells both me and the man that he is not going to allow him to die. That they need his spirit, his mind, and his body. It seems that the removing of the flesh was so that the spirit would become more activated and apparent to the alien. He wants to capture and use the spirit while still keeping the essence moving through this shell of a person. This is where I left this dream....
In this dream and in the previous one with these beings I have almost felt them as being interdimensional. Almost like they are here and around us but we just can't see them, but that maybe we will someday. They are very much like mind controlling, spirit controlling, body controlling beings. Sometimes I might feel dreams like this as metaphors or archetypes from my life, but not these ones. These beings seem very real. Almost like they are keepers and distributers of suffering. Which complicates my relationship with them because I see suffering as one of the greatest teachers that is. There would be no coming into the light without it. So in some strange way they could be light beings..... I can relate it to similar things I have seen and felt in the healing work that I do. I am now seeing a thread between this dream and the "Dalai Lama Drive By" dream I had. In that dream the sound and movement of love was restoring flesh and muscles to an army of skeletons. Its almost as if this dream was now revealing the creator source of the army of skeletons....... hmmmmm. I would love to hear thoughts about all of this. This dream was very intense......

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