almost 13 years ago
Dying Woman Seeks An Easy Transition Into Death

I am in the mountains visiting friends. We are sitting down to eat and someone sneaks up behind me and kisses the top of my head. I turn around and to my surprise it is a dear sweet friend of mine who I haven't seen in a long time. It's Asia! Her kiss feels so good. We express our love for each other. It's amazing to be in her presence. We stare into each other's eyes. We feel the sensation that we are twins. A very pure connection. We sit and begin to eat.

I excuse myself and go to the bathroom. I open the restroom door and enter. I am now in some weird amusement park and people with 3-d glasses on are whizzing past me. They are telling me that I won't enjoy the ride unless I have 3-d glasses as well. I am disoriented. I keep thinking this is weird. How did I get to this place? I need to find the bathroom. I follow the trail of people hoping to find one. We all get scooted into a room. We are being assisted into roller coaster seats. I sit down and a man comes by to check that the safety bar is secure on my lap. The ride starts and there is a snake on a big screen in front of us. I still don't have the glasses so to me it's like watching a movie. But everyone else is shrieking as if the snake is coming after them. It's pretty funny to watch them react. The ride takes off and we are whizzing around. It stops and we all get off.

I spot a bathroom and start walking towards it. I notice that a woman is following me. I go into the bathroom and swiftly close the door behind me. I am slightly afraid of her. The restroom is just like one you find on an airplane. This is really weird why would they make the bathroom so small? Aha! I realize I am dreaming. I can feel the woman approaching and can see the shadow of her feet under the door. She is pounding on it really aggressively. I think to myself I'm dreaming I can go anywhere I want. I look up, there is a whole in the ceiling I jump up and into it. I am flying through this tight worm whole. I am in deep space flying through a transparent tube. I can still feel the woman and her urgency to find me. I decide to let go of the deep space flight and return to her. As soon as I make this decision I find myself walking through the amusement park again. The woman taps me on the shoulder. I turn to her. She is a middle aged woman with golden hair and a huge presence. She asks, "Did you know? Is that why you avoided me?" I ask, "know what?" She continues, "Did you know that I am dying?" I reply,"No" She says, "I am dying and only have a few weeks to live. When I saw you I knew that you would be able to help me transition into death peacefully." I ask, "Why?" She says, "You are a bright light and I am drawn to your energy. You glanced at me when I passed by you to get on to that ride, and I felt like you could really see me. I felt like you could see my suffering. I knew then that you would be the one to help me make the transition." At this moment I hear my sweet friend Asia calling out to me. "Helen, your food is getting cold!" I look around and see the door I came through. I tell the woman to come with me and we both go through the door. We are back at my friends house and they are all wondering who this woman is. Then my phone rings and wakes me from my nap. I think that this dream is related to a few real life experiences I have had. I think I will log them soon.

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