almost 13 years ago
The Space between Death and eternal love

In honor of my Mothers birthday (August 1st) I felt inclined to share a story with you all that took place last year.

Now, many of you know my Mother 'transitioned over' when I was a child (of liver cancer). As young as I was I had buried a lot of the grief deep within, which was waiting for me to release at the age of 29. So the last few years have been a major healing process for me on such a deep deep level. The universe has put me through trials and tribulations, dark nights of the soul, reflected conflicts between family members, friends, and co workers.. all in order to wake my ass up to the BIGGER picture and to open my heart to heal and grow!

Many of you know that I'm deeply into my spiritual practices and beliefs. Though I do not consider my self Christian any more, that was the religion that I was raised in by my mother. She was a beautiful and amazing lady and I owe it to her for making me the person I am today! She raised me to trust in God and to love with all my heart and soul. I'm not perfect, but to this day I still do my best to practice these principles.

In 1988 when my mother was dying of cancer, she strongly spoke about how she wanted to serve Jesus when she died. As nice of a thought as it was, that was the last thing on my mind. Then on September 24th of 1988 she passed away.

At age 13 (1991) I moved to Nevada/Arizona, then in 2004 moved back to Los Angeles. One of my first encounters back was this lady who I made friends with who claimed to be a 'clear audiant' (a psychic who can hear spirits). Though I am a really open person I can be a little skeptical at times, but decided to ask her if she can connect with my mom.. and she said YES! I asked her what my Mother was doing, and she said "helping people cross over to the other side." I asked "Kinda like the Angel of death?" and she said YES! This really rang truth in my heart, this lady didn't know anything about my Mother besides the fact that she passed way when I was a child. And the concept that my mother was helping people transition over really blew my mind.

So, as time passed released pain and started to healing from my child hood tragedy. I did everything that I could to speed up the process.. rather it be meditation, yoga, listen to self help books, working with energy healers, plant medicine, ect. I was open to it all!

In Spring of 2010 I went to an Ayahuasca ceremony (google if needed), in Topanga Canyon. I had attended other like ceremonies in the past, but this one was different. I received a message while on my journey (that evening) that blew my mind. This specific "download" (psychic intuition) that I received was the last thing that I could of ever thought or imagined! It literally brought me to tears! And that's to connect my Mother with my dying Aunt, and help her cross over!

*Back story.. My Aunt (Fathers side) was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2001. Here it is 2010 (9 years later) and my poor Aunt was still hanging on for dear life (bedridden and in a comatose state). It would be a blessing for her to make her transition! So at that time I made attempts to pay my Aunt a visit, not really knowing what I was going to do. My family is Catholic and the thought of me going in there and laying hands on her, chanting, or burning sage might be a foreign and creepy concept to them. But never the less, my attempts failed and I never made it over to the house. Just figured if the universe wanted me there, it would had happened.

So fast forward the clocks to October of 2010.

I went to my parents house in Arizona to visit and collect some of my belongings. While there I asked my Father about a letter my Mother wrote me (on her Death bed a few months before she passed). As a young teenager I had read the letter once and gave it to my Father to keep till I was old enough. So without saying I collected my letter and opened it up with new eyes. The letter was a great heart opening experience and I really felt my Mothers presence very very strongly! Though I will not share with you what the letter said, I'm sure you can imagine what she wrote me ;-)

So as I returned home to Los Angeles I placed the letter on my Alter (which was an excellent place for it).

A month and a half later (in early December of 2010) I was at my Grandfathers house and came across a picture of my Aunt (the one with Alzheimer's) and decided to take the picture home and pray for her. It was the least of what I could do, since I never made it to her house.

As I got home that day I stuck my Aunts picture on my alter, and in doing so I realized my mothers letter was also on there too! I said.. "hmmmm what an unexpected synchronicity" and placed my Aunts picture onto of my mothers letter. I meditated upon my mother taking my Aunt and ask the higher power for this to happen (if this is thy will of the universe).

A few days later I got an email from my Cousin that my Aunt had passed away the night before.

There are no accidents in life, even our imperfections are perfect and serve a higher purpose! We must always be willing to trust in the master plan that the Universe/God has in store for us.

My Mothers death was no accident, it served a higher purpose. I see that Now. There is no separation, she just ended up waking up out of the dream before me, you, and everyone else in between.

There have been many other powerful experiences I have had with my mother in 2010, one in which I experienced in a dream where I pretty much was killed and reconnected with her. This dream was so powerful I woke up out of it at 3 am and started getting major downloads and journaling the rest of the information she gave me. I plan on making it into a script for a movie or short film. My intentions is to get funding for this, score the music, and tour to different film festivals and play the music live while the film is being viewed. This film will honor my mother, promote my music, and raise the consciousness of the people on our planet

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