over 12 years ago
Flaming aura

The forest was dark and the stars were bright, as liquid light danced through the night sky. I found myself wondering around some sort of celebration gathering. There were many people walking around in absolute mirth and playing with toys and contraptions in which I have never seen before. It kinda reminds me of some sort of 4th of july type of celebrations for everything emitted streams vivid light energy. Some people were even flying around in kite like objects that trailed rainbows of light instead of strings.

I was running around in a white lace dress, which doesn't surprise me because I've an affinity with anything lace. Also, I have been thinking about how I want another lace dress a lot lately. I find it amusing how connected our waking and sleeping minds can be. As well as how disconnected we might feel them to be at times. Anyways I'm jaunting around, checking all the people out...no one I knew for the most part, only one group of people around my age. They were actually some people I went to high school. One being John R.. who I was voted mostly likely to take over the world with..well I was the female winner and he was the male winner (In one of those silly high school yearbook things). He's big into magic and actually does a tour in some states. I guess he's also supposed to have a show with George lopez or something in winter...Anyways I think he was in the dream because I was thinking after I found that out that he was doing more to rule the world then I am at the moment.

I'm not completely sure but I think he said something that offended me and I scurried off. Suddenly I was running through an old house and my dream vision looked a lot like an old vintage movie. Not black and white but vintage like old western movies. When I opened the door I stepped out and was surrounded by a flock of business men walking around In a large building, but it was more of a Victorian London type of era. A man with a faux hawk wearing a suite held the door open for me and once outside takes my hand. I laugh at him because he is supposed to hold my arm instead of my hand but I feel really joyful and laugh one of those deep soul tickling laughs. His energy was attractive and comforting to me, even tho I didn't know who he was. I knew that walking towards the theater was were I was supposed to go. We are walking towards the huge theater which had flames billowing out of it. However the flames were doing nothing to tarnish the building nor did anyone walking to the theater or around the city seem to care about the flames. The fire seemed more like the light of the aura around the building. We stopped and the man that was courting me, introduced me to a fellow who shook my hand in greeting. He introduced himself as Ed and I stopped for a second thinking, do I know you? His name and face pricked at my memory and in my dream I rationalized it as he was apart of some show I'd seen before( even tho that doesn't fit with the time era)I shrugged my shoulders as he took to the other side of me and my arm. He didn't make me feel the same as the other fellow, but I still some how knew he was supposed to be there. Shortly after meeting Ed and walking towards the theater I awoke because my dog awoke me needing out for a piddle and I did not make it to the building.

When I woke up I remembered that Ed was the name of someone I've met before in waking life and both real person and dream person had red hair but they didn't really look the same...

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