over 13 years ago
Universal Life Cycles

This happened a week ago at the hotsprings.
I was in the sauna at night with two others. It was warm and dry, the heat wasn't turned all the way up because it was around 4 or 5am. I started to feel very synced up with the interconnectedness of consciousness, any singing or dancing I did just came through as if it was controlling me, and not the other way around. One of the people in the sauna with us started talking about opening up a portal for channels to come through. She started speaking in a robotic voice, I don't remember what it was about though. Suddenly I felt a MASSIVE force of energy thrust through my crown and surge through my body, and as this happened, I visually perceived my "self" fractal out through the universe at light speed, speeding through lives and time and future history at an immense pace until I got to the very edge/end of existence, and at that point, the end became the beginning of a new reality. I wept deeply for a few seconds over the sheer beauty and intensity of what just happened.

Shortly after, I felt as though I had complete access to the web of interconnected consciousness and that I could send out a "broadcast" to everyone's minds on earth, and I sent out the most intense prayer I think I've ever tried to do before, for everyone to shift their minds towards positive thought. This is where my reality really started feeling like a dream, everything went kind of dim, my mental portals were fully open and I started receiving this transmission from another entity somewhere outside of earth. The entity was speaking of a new reality that would change the consciousness of humans on earth so that we could fully perceive each other's thought and feelings, and instead of seeing each other as individuals, we would see each other as combined units who work together towards a common goal. Instead of communicating with "I" and "Me", we spoke of "We". For instance when two people come together, they would interact with a full feedback loop, and we would ask each other "what can we do as one unit to work together and help each other out" and this would be the way that anything was taken on. Also, instead of perceiving any kind of pain, blocks, fear in one's individual self, they would instead have an interest in the wellbeing and feelings of others involved in the moment, and everyone could "plug" into everyone else to eliminate a collective blockage of any kind. The entity explained that the level of heightened empathy and telepathy would work to restore peace on earth.

We left the sauna, and as I was trying to get used to this new way of thinking, I realized how much our thoughts effect our reality, and that if I could discipline my thoughts, I could set out towards any goal and achieve and dream, and also that collectively we as groups or as a whole conscious unit could achieve anything we set our thoughts to if we all synced up.

I started to experience a cyclic existence, going through lifecycle after lifecycle of being born, growing up, finding a partner, having kids, growing old and dying, over and over again...I became the maiden, the mother and the crone over and over again, and through experiencing this, I learned about the future possibilities I had in store for my life, and what actions I could take to achieve certain outcomes, because I could remember what it was like to be older and wiser and grounded, rich in feminine empowerment. In these cyclic existences I had a multiple life partner, a partner that has been with me for many lives. His energy was masculine and electric neon, he had facial features like a tiger...he was a soldier of positive consciousness, a part of an underground army fighting against the collective fear, suffering and pain by activating the minds of humanity. We would work together, like superheroes..combining forces to spread seeds across the minds of everyone and restore balance in the world. Our minds combined and strong love was like the sweetest nectar dripping down from the richest flowers, golden honeycombs glistening like morning dew.

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