over 13 years ago
another visitor

I was dreaming and in my dream I was at a playground. There were a lot of adults there, we were having a social gathering and friends in the dream were drinking and mixing cocktails. Paige was there, and I told her to come to the swings with me. We went to the back of the playground where there were less kids, but it didn't matter because the kids in the playground were crazy and running around all over the place. We tried to swing, but we couldn't, because the kids would run in front of us, so if we tried to swing, we would hit them.

Later, I was in a car with B and Parker. Parker was expressing annoyance towards people who use the term "energy". I said "Yeah, I know why you don't like it when people talk about energy, it's because you think it's too vague." He said that it was because he felt like those people didn't know what they were talking about, and why don't they use another word. I told him that another word for it is "chi". Another way to say it is "life force", and another word is "mana" which means life force.

Then I woke up......I THINK...My eyes were open! I could see my room as it would look directly in front of me, and it looked correct. I swear I was awake, but maybe I wasn't. I started to feel my bed shake, and I knew something was going to happen. I knew it, because the last time my bed felt like it was shaking, I had been visited by something. Right when I had that thought that I knew something was going to happen, I felt these pulsing buzzing vibrations surge through my body! It was like I was being shocked with some kind of device. Over to my right on my desk it sounded like my phone was vibrating, but really it wasn't. When the pulsating started, my vision became slightly off, a little dim. I felt frightened, and I looked up with wide eyes open, and I SAW a face! I saw the silhouette of a profile of a bald man's face, it was small in comparison to my face, and it had no features. It was like a shadow projection above me. I felt really scared, but i tried to stay in this space because I wanted to know what was going on. I couldn't talk, but I thought to myself in the hopes that he could hear me, "Who are you? What are you doing? Why are you here?" I really wanted to know, I wasn't trying to ward him off. But I broke out of the spell and truely woke up, the shadow man disappeared, and everything returned to normal.
I would have tried to stay in this state longer, but the face startled me so much that I woke up. I was breathing in really fast quick breaths like I was hyperventilating. The face was really close to my face, maybe only a few inches above me.

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