13 years ago
Infinity: It's within you.

Once you begin to trust the universe, that's when the real fun begins. Since the first day that I began to apply knowledge from the very popular book/movie, "the secret", real magic has come to take place.

I started to really understand how thoughts work, and began writing in my journal what I wanted in my life, goals I wanted to accomplish, the family I wanted, etc. At first I didn't really notice anything, but I still trusted.

I then eventually got interested in the science of dreams. I studied lucid dreaming, and practiced it until I attained the experiences I wanted. The minute you begin to see your waking life as a dream, the borders begin to deteriorate. You feel a kind of liberation from the world that society has laid out before us. I really started to think beyond.

When it comes to dreaming, you can have the most surreal things happen. You can fly, manifest anything at will, play on a stage in front of millions of people, do anything you really desire. But then it started to get old. Those experiences didn't satisfy what I was yearning for, and I had no idea what would satisfy that hunger.

It was then that I decided to merge my desires from my dreams into my waking life. Waking up in the morning, I would really observe my environment, and then register in my mind, "this is a dream. I can do anything." By anything, I mean anything that you wish to accomplish, and no, you can't really change another person's free will, but you can increase your vibrational energy to shape situations into something more positive and fun.

Well, sure enough, the dreams I had written about in my journal started to manifest. Quickly, for that matter. And just when I thought I was beginning to comprehend how it works, my family sent me to this meditation/yoga seminar in Vancouver.

This is when I got taught the ancient technique of Kriya. My teachers didn't really explain to me where it came from, but nevertheless, I trusted what they were saying, and started doing kriya regularly on a daily basis. Things began to manifest even QUICKER. The Kriya began to fine tune my inner being, and started to change my external being. Change comes directly from within you (yes, yes, I know that's a no brainer) but I actually began to feel it. At first my external being was on the perceptual level, but now I was slowly turning into my true self.

I was still wondering what this Kriya really was. A few months later, I again visited Vancouver and took the course for a second time. It was here that I met the love of my life, and yes, he was the manifestation of what I had written about ! Really intense stuff. He also answered many of my questions regarding Kriya.

The most magnificent thing about meditation, is that your vibration becomes so high, that when you meet another being who also practices, it makes that vibration even more intense, changing your environment in the most UNREAL ways. Almost instantaneously.

Meditation is a beautiful thing. I knew at a young age that I was spiritual, but thrown in the mix between culture and religion, it confuses the mind, and I knew that something about those two realms didn't register with me. Meditation and spirituality, on the other hand, has shown me the true light, and I definitely know there is a God, a creator, something totally incomprehensible and beyond our capacity, that all we can do is revel in it. That feeling of trust, that feeling of true love and freedom can only be attained solely through meditation and belief.

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