over 12 years ago
lucid travels through heaven, Godliness and epic energy battles.

Last night memories of the past had resurfaced, and I knew then and there that it had to be dealt with. Conversation with Max lasted about an hour and at last I managed to fall asleep.

My sleep didn't last very long, and when I did wake up around 6am, I couldn't go back to sleep. The morning light covered every corner of the room, so I buried my face under the blankets.There was an intense energy bursting from my core which caused me to toss and turn. I saw on the window ledge a book that Max was reading entitled Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light by Namkhai Norbu. Maybe a little reading would put me out?

I skimmed through the editor's preface, traveled through his stories and experiences of lucidity and put the book away. So now i laid on my back, covered my face and finally managed to dream :D I had no idea that I would be experiencing something completely life-altering.

It was a beautiful sunny day with no clouds in the sky. Around my vision was a white border, just like you would see in cartoons during dream sequences. I was running down a sidewalk with Max pulling me behind him. Rose hedges lined the right side of the sidewalk and there was an immense feeling of joy.

"Hurry Hark!" Max was yelling as he held a bouquet of multi-colored roses. We run across the street to a beautiful house with a tall garden gateway.

"Welcome to our home!" he said. I then realized that we had just gotten married and were now to start our new life together. Before ascending the three cement steps to the garden, I realized I was dreaming. I fell into lucidity immediately and felt the urge to just touch something, to see if I could feel things during dream-time. I ran behind me and started to feel the roses... and I could feel them! I felt like I was in heaven. I turned back around and started to run for the front yard. I could hear our friends Ragu and Payal saying, "Isn't it awesome to dream? We do this all the time!" I must have been in the realm of other lucid dreamers.

I feel as though I'm about to wake up, but instead my vision goes completely white and I'm staring deep into the brightness. Sanskrit words appear with the colors pink, yellow and blue. Underneath the word the outline of a lotus appears. I'm filled with bliss.

Again, the sensation of waking passes, the lotus disappears, and now the SUN is before me. I can clearly see the center circle with the rays beaming out and touching me. I am experiencing Godliness.

The scene changes once more. This time there are sanskrit words that are fractalizing inwards and outwords. Images take its place and art starts to fractalize as well.

I wake up and start crying. That feeling of bliss that I had experienced is indescribable. I tell everything to Max and jot every detail down into my dream journal. I feel at peace and taken care of. I drift into sleep once more...

I am now in a house with many compartments. There is no roof, only open space with stars glistening like glitter. I am with Max, his dad and his mom. We're standing together joyously and are fighting off an attack from a negative entity. I can't recall what it looked like, but I do remember it throwing beams of energy towards us. We fight back with other heavenly spirits aiding us. We were channeling energy from the Buddha as well. There is a huge show of energy flying everywhere. Bright, vivid flashes of pink, blue, violet and yellow are going off like fireworks. It was like something out of a Dragonball Z episode.

These last few days my dreams have increased in vibration. I can't wait to see what else lies before me.

Peace, light and love to all

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