almost 13 years ago
red eyes
my dreams

I dream about tsunamis a lot.

And earthquakes.

Fights, struggles, but especially wars between two very distinct opposed forces, sometimes even colored red and blue.

Sometimes running away from danger, from being killed and feeling chased.

Some dark figures have hunted my dreams from the past sporadically, that are black or blurred or hardly defined; a man, a little girl, a group of men (or gang), a creepy woman. Most seem to want me dead.

Waterscapes: wide open oceans usually, whether above or under it, or looking upon it from a close distance. If above, I've been on ships, small life rafts or water floats. If under, I've been a mermaid more than once and I've breathed underwater (without consciousness of my body). Sometimes it's more like a general ambiance and feel of being among a large body of water in which I feel comfortable and at peace.

I've dreamed of killing or hurting more than once.

I've dreamed of being a man, since a little girl. Also turning back and forth at my will.

I've dreamed of having sex, being seduced or seducing, whether important people of my life, or people I barely know at all and know not why I'm dreaming with them. Sometimes 'we' are only people, not ones I know (see point below).

In my dreams my point of view can alter, and more often than not I'm in the perspective of another person other than me, 'I' don't exist, I'm only a view, within or outside a person (watching the action third person), and it can fluctuate within the same dream. Probably the most interesting part of my dreams, since I can experience being in the position of different peoples, or experience different phenomena that are beyond the real world experience, and be creatively inspiring.

Only once or twice I've seen myself as my true physical self, when I do dream with myself. Usually it's a version of me, an idolized version, a distorted version, older, younger, sexier, creepier, depending much of the context of the dream. Mostly is like a mix between a part of me and part of someone else imagined.

Another very interesting characteristic of my dreams is that they tend to be prophetic or point towards something of the future, and it can be for things the same day, next day, next week, next month or years to come. Only one or two dreams have had the particularity of pointing for all of these times, for every time I would think on it I could capture new meanings and information that related to a time being or future. Perhaps the other dreams could be of the same nature, only I didn't put much attention and interpret them enough.

I've experienced sexual encounters which seem like stories or the real life of other people, with what would be considered strange or taboo, like a man with his little daughter, a son to his grandfather (but the son is rather a girl, a transexual or drag, whether real or pretending), and others less precise.

I've dreamed with different futuristic and strange cityscapes, many big mansions, houses (usually old, dark or with an emotional charged environment), tall buildings (which tend to be scary in some way or another, whether being under, among or above it) and some underground railways and places (sometimes as labyrinths).

I've dreamed with artistic or creative visions and moving images, sometimes having a quality of being inside a game or movie in weird camera angles (one time I was a rolling pin-pall-like ball, going through a maze of many earth tunnels).

I've sometimes dreamed with strange insects, bugs, worms and flies (bugs and worms sometimes have been white), cockroaches and other such insects, which almost all the time I feel they are messengers, imply some form of message from them or communication in real life. But, except for the cockroaches, I nearly never really understand what they mean.

The first dream I can remember dreaming is being at the backyard of my kindergarten school (in a corner at the side, surrounded mostly by tall concrete walls) being eternally chased by a tiger, going round and round. I always thought the imagery could have been taken from a movie or something, for it seemed like so a bit.

I've been terrified of red eyes in my dreams since a child (not so much now, but they could still creep me out a bit), of dark figures chasing me or wanting to enter my house, of death, drowning or being asphyxiated. Worst feeling was once dreaming I screamed and there was no sound and felt really depressed in the dream.

I've loved from my dreams dreaming to float, in air or water, to feel peaceful and tranquil, to feel love or loved (by another person, sometimes people that are imagined in the dream), to feel free to walk or swim in big and open spaces.

dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
red eyes
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
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