13 years ago
What is Going On???

Recently I had the lovely experience to revisit Coachella for the second year. I also got to spend some time with my beloved Jodi. She informed me of some information that I was not aware of. I'm 27 years old. In the last couple of years I have been feeling very different. Different than I have ever felt before. I find myself asking the same question...why am I here? What is the purpose of this life we live? Besides that, I had been having this overwhelming feeling of restlessness. I kept saying, I just want to get rid of all my stuff and move to another country, or an Island even. This was before I had even heard of the information I mentioned from Jodi.

It all came together on that day. What is REALLY going on in the world? I don't want to sound like a nutcase/conspiracy theorist....but that is what I'm leaning towards after opening my eyes. Besides...who decided that people who believe in government conspiracies are "crazy" anyway? hmmm...something to think about. Everything is bad news. Plastic, water bottles, chemicals, chem trails, GMO's in our food, pesticides, UFO's, pharmaceuticals, pills, gas, oil, cancer, corporations, corruptions, lies, the list goes on and on...

Most of us are too busy with work and families to pay attention...and besides that, there are too many other things that occupy our time. T.V., movies, music, partying, drugs, alcohol, friends, traveling, internet, phones, video games. I personally fell into the family (my daughter) music, and partying category. I spent a majority of my time listening to music and downloading it that I never paid attention to news or read anything important. Now, there is TOO MUCH stuff to read. Why is our generation so blind? why is nobody learning anything anymore? There are infinite books about things we have no idea about. Not only that, but why are there so many people in denial about all of it? When I mention my new findings to people they say "oh, don't get worked up, people have been saying that stuff for years" or "you're just being paranoid". Really? You don't associate the fact that everyone and their mother has cancer now to what's going on with our food and our air/water supply. Open your fucking eyes people. There is something happening. The thing is, a lot of people do know but have the attitude "I can't do anything about, so I'm just going to enjoy my life the best I can" which is completely understandable. But I just can't go back to living a normal life. Every time I walk into a store and see the mass produced crap, and the beauty magazines, and electronics I feel differently. I can't ignore it now that I know, and it all makes sense. But what to do, what to do?

As for now, I'm researching and reading constantly trying to educate myself. I am doing everything in my power to be the best person I can be, live as healthfully as I can, and trying to teach my daughter the same principles. I am also preparing for an emergency in case one ever arrives. I want to be the person who has my shit together...like the whacky military guy in the movies who was always prepared with his guns protecting people (when he was always labeled as the crazy guy) but now everyone loves him because he is the prepared brave one when shit hits the fan. I wish more people would realize there is a whole universe out there and so much more to life than our tiny mundane existence. Be open to all possibilities as crazy as they sound. Keep your eyes and ears open and learn all you can.

Now I truly understand the meaning of "live your life to the fullest" "life is short" "we are one" "the present is a gift" because all we can really do is enjoy the time we do have and make the most of it. Don't live with regrets, make sure you are achieving all your goals and dreams, because there is no reason not to.


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